I created the "xfire is a pussy thread" that got me banned. The result was expected but it was therapeutic. BC agreed but I'm here and he's still banned.
If anything, my offense was more egregious than his. He was just agreeing with me.
Please, if you may, swap his ban for mine and let him back in. Ban me forever if need be.
this whole thing wasn't an issue until xfire got his pussy hurt.
seriously, xfire is a fucking pussy.
and he sucks as a poster. He offers nothing.
If anything, my offense was more egregious than his. He was just agreeing with me.
Please, if you may, swap his ban for mine and let him back in. Ban me forever if need be.
this whole thing wasn't an issue until xfire got his pussy hurt.
seriously, xfire is a fucking pussy.
and he sucks as a poster. He offers nothing.