First: Bonezstorm dude, the lovely perk titted Latina looking woman in your signature and your avatar is beyond gorgeous. Who is she?!
Second, many people said some interesting things about the Academy Awards. For starters, even though I agree a whopping 89% of "Fuck the Oscars!", and even said it in a message to a good Canadian friend/pen-pal of mine I keep on contact every week via e-mail, and I don't always agree with the registered voters of The Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts and Science, I am often facinated by it, and yet also pitty them. More of less.
True in form, like many, I find Entertainers (musicians, some very mainstream stand-up comedians even though I think it's an artform when done like Bill Hicks, Carlin, Richard Pryor and Doug Stanhope, ect), Athletes (especially them--do you know how many on Earth can play ball? And do it fairly well for a full season just like them?) and yes film stars and even film makers (I wanted to be a film maker at one point in my life, but there are simply too many film schools now and too many others wishing to do it) are badly over-paid.
There is no mistaking that. I also feel every since the early '90s, with the over awarding (or "sweeping" as it is most often called) of such overrated modern films as Silence of the Lambs, Erin Brochovich and Gladiator and the like (maybe this will give everyone a general picture in their heads), I've not nearly been as into it the first three years I watched it as a young kid. However oddly enough, every year I DO make a ton of popcorn and tune-in with my family on the big screen TV set at my mom & dad's place. We all come over and have a party. Plus this year I want something unique and oddly good, such as Inglourious Basterds, to finally win. I actually very much enjoyed and have things to say about the top three or so films touted, minus the very overrated and over-budgeted Avatar myself personally, so I see nothing wrong with it.
And I'm glad Meryl Streep is oce again nominated. Gotta love her. But I will agree it's nothing to take overly serious in these modern times, as it is just them the movie stars and producers and assorted film makers, voting for themselves. To each they're own I guess.