We call it 'Little Princess' syndrome in the biz. For you see your average bride believes that the wedding, even if it's not the wedding of their dreams, is the moment in their life when all of her troubles will fall into obscurity and vanish forever - just like the lives of all of those Princesses in the fairy tales (LIES) they were read when they were younger. Even if she's settled for some fat, hairy guy who really wasn't the person she dreamed about as a child, the wedding day (she believes) changes everything about her life for the better. They delude themselves into thinking this, it doesn't matter how educated they are these tales we as a society have ground into them when their consciousnesses were open enough and willing to take it all in do come out one by one and we just ferry them along like the fools we all are.
Of course, as we all know this is absolute bullshit. Especially those of us in the biz itself. No, we do not see bliss, we do not see happiness, we see pain, suffering, self loathing, hatred and then inner-death. And that's just the honeymoon. For you see, you aren't special, your problems won't be solved with a multi-thousand pound/dollar/euro party where you're the star. No, nothing will change, you'll still hate yourself and the person your with, it's just now you'll be legally tied to them for as long as possible until the call to the lawyer is made.
I'm not really in the biz, I actually have no idea what the biz I'm talking about is. So yeah take it or leave it, I don't care.
But remember one thing: happiness is an illusion. You're never, EVER going to be happy. So just find a way to deal with that now and get over it.
Oh and congratulations. :hatsoff: