Why click on a thread of something you don't like.....

then proceed to bang on about the fact that you don't like it? Even to the point of telling people who do like it there's something wrong with it / them???

Seriously, I've been trying to figure these people out for as long as I've been on Freeones? Someone, please elaborate!

If you don't like fake tits, don't click on a thread entitled "best before and after tits" or "best silicone tits", then preach that you think it's disgusting that girls do this.....


I don't like fat chicks, you don't see me joining BBW threads and saying all fat chicks are ugly and they lose weight - I JUST DON'T FUCKING JOIN THEM!!!!

Jesus, there are some really stupid people on here; I'd love to figure out what powers their little pea-brains.

:bang: That is all.
Preach on, brother! :hybrid:
I agree with the sentiment.

But if you post a thread on here, expect feedback - both positive and negative. If you can't handle that, don't post. It's pretty simple, really.

Now, there are levels of this. For example, going on to a thread that is explicitly about BBWs and saying you hate fat chicks is just stupid. But if you go into a political thread, or another talk thread, and disagree with the OP for legitimate reasons, that's a whole other kettle of fish.

The big thing is this - Don't care what other people say about you, your threads, or your interests. If someone posts something insulting toward something you like, ignore it. If you can't do that, you'll have no fun here.

:2 cents:
I agree with the sentiment.

But if you post a thread on here, expect feedback - both positive and negative. If you can't handle that, don't post. It's pretty simple, really.

Now, there are levels of this. For example, going on to a thread that is explicitly about BBWs and saying you hate fat chicks is just stupid. But if you go into a political thread, or another talk thread, and disagree with the OP for legitimate reasons, that's a whole other kettle of fish.

The big thing is this - Don't care what other people say about you, your threads, or your interests. If someone posts something insulting toward something you like, ignore it. If you can't do that, you'll have no fun here.

:2 cents:

The OP has a point. If you don't want to or expect to participate in, say...the OCSM of the Month thingy...why post there saying you're not interested in it??:confused: Or..post how little you think of the POTW, OOTW, etc., etc., etc.,..........................in those threads?

Why post in a big tits thread asserting how much you despise them??:dunno:

(as examples of course...:D)

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
BBW = fat mess. Just sayin'...

Can we drop the fucking euphemisms?

(I love bitching about stuff in threads. I will continue to do so.)
The OP has a point. If you don't want to or expect to participate in, say...the OCSM of the Month thingy...why post there saying you're not interested in it??:confused: Or..post how little you think of the POTW, OOTW, etc., etc., etc.,..........................in those threads?

Why post in a big tits thread asserting how much you despise them??:dunno:

(as examples of course...:D)

Fair enough.

Why, for example, post in an "I love Hot Mega" thread how much of a tool you think Hot Mega is?

That's just inexcusable.

Fair enough.

Why, for example, post in an "I love Hot Mega" thread how much of a tool you think Hot Mega is?

That's just inexcusable.


Because they are in love with Hot Mega's tool?
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Let me just say, I have no problem with people having their own opinions, or voicing them. It's not even feedback, cause I don't have fake tits, but I'm always happy to have feedback.

But if you don't like something, why waste your time clicking in to tell us? If a forum is entitled "best fake tits", chances are, the people in it like FAKE TITS!!!

Sure if it's called "what's better, fake or real tits?" - by all means jump on in, give us your thoughts, tell us your opinion!!

But you don't join a gun club if you hate guns, or join a golf club if you hate golf!

You start/follow a thread about something you like cause you want to see more of it, (sometimes the thread is as simple as 'post your best camel toe pics here' or some shit, you get a notification there's a new message, and it's some pinhead fucking doofus going "oh, I really don't like that...." - well F#CK OFF!!!!!!
people are entitled to there opinions, and if they want to share them, so be it

if you can't deal with people freely expressing there thoughts and opinions, then you need to get the fuck off off freeones, and go find your mama's tits to suckle on
BBW = fat mess. Just sayin'...

Can we drop the fucking euphemisms?

(I love bitching about stuff in threads. I will continue to do so.)

You're dead right! To ME, BBWs are fucking awful, but hey, there's peope who are into it so good luck to them. I don't join their threads and tell them fat chicks are ugly. I'd rather put my time into looking at things I like

(or complaining, quite obviously) - which I also like
people are entitled to there opinions, and if they want to share them, so be it

if you can't deal with people freely expressing there thoughts and opinions, then you need to get the fuck off off freeones, and go find your mama's tits to suckle on

Good to see you entirely missed the point.

And it's 'their' you're looking for. And if you fuck off off, are you back on again?

Some people should spend more time on dictionary.com and less time on Freeones, but hey, that's just my thoughts and opinions.
You're dead right! To ME, BBWs are fucking awful, but hey, there's peope who are into it so good luck to them. I don't join their threads and tell them fat chicks are ugly. I'd rather put my time into looking at things I like

(or complaining, quite obviously) - which I also like

overt skinny chicks are disgusting, why dont they eat some god dam mcdonalds for a change

Good to see you entirely missed the point.

And it's 'their' you're looking for. And if you fuck off off, are you back on again?

Some people should spend more time on dictionary.com and less time on Freeones, but hey, that's just my thoughts and opinions.

your sad-sack-of-shit attempt at humor, offends me

we have enough so-called comedians around here, we dont need you attempting to be funny
Why create threads about me, after quoting one of my posts in another thread??? A part of me is kind of flattered. Another part thinks this is bitch-made.

I hate to alarm anyone, but this is a forum... a place where members are allowed to give their two cents about any subject allowed to be presented. People come here to express their likes, and yes, dislikes on thread topics. If you cannot handle dissenting opinions, this is probably not the place for you. OP gave his opinion, now allow others to do the same.

BTW: The least you can do is put my name in your rant since you feel so strongly. Either that or PM me if you want an answer to anything I posted.
I just had a brainwave for a new thread: Who hates Icewater Jones?

Do you think everyone who posts in that thread will be objective? I certainly hope so. How else will we learn how much of a dingwab you are?
"You probably think this song is about you....." HAHA

Icewater - I didn't write this specifically about you mate. Get over yourself. It was written about something I have witnessed dozens of times on here. You were the last in a long line to do it, that's all.

Brodkill - massively skinny chicks are ugly too. Agreed. Do you join skiiny girl threads and tell them that? Sadly, you probably do. And I wasn't trying to be funny.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
God, this thread sucks. Why do people insist on coming in here and making threads about people who post in threads they don't like?

I hate that.

Idea for a new thread: people who hate threads about threads that people hate. And then post in them.