So tomorrow is election day here in the states, you going to get out and vote?
Do they even have elections in the UK anymore? Winston Churchill has been PM forever...Nope.
Couldn't find a big enough paddle for my boat.
Do they even have elections in the UK anymore? Winston Churchill has been PM forever...
Not really, I mean the Queen and Churchill both seem to be doing a decent enough job by themselves so why even bother breaking up such a winning combination?
Elections in the UK are more akin to judging who has the best hat at Royal Ascot, (which of course always turns out the be the BNP) they don't really mean anything but it gets the mouth breathers out of the house for an hour or two and gives their worthless lives some sense of meaning, however futile it may be.
I always vote. IMO if you are a registered voter and choose NOT to vote, then you have absolutely no right to complain about anything that goes on with the government.
I can't tell if this is genuine or not.Voting. Pft. Shouldn't be allowed.
Like I want some damn immigrants coming into my country and voting me into being their slaves and my country into being a big handout-centric ghetto for immigrants who are only gonna make things worse by breeding like rabbits.
If we must let them in we should at least use our heads and sterilise them.