Little Red Wagon Repairman
Satan is loaded with ambition and takes pride in his work. Does God cause or allow evil to exist and thrive or is The Creator just Lucifer's prag. Either way God doesn't work as hard or as smart.
Satan is working hard in order to harm people.
He's so good at it he should be a saint.
You don't see satan going door to door trying to recruit.
I think people have it backwards. God is supposed to be the good guy and satan is the bad guy? Everybody is welcome in hell, you don't have to subjugate yourself.
God: "sure, you can have free will, but if you don't do what I want you to do, you're fucked."
Satan: "do whatever, and when you're done, come to hell and hang out, pretty much everyone is here."
Also, if god is the good guy, why does he need a propaganda machine? You don't see satan going door to door trying to recruit.
I want you to explain to me where I brought my deceased father into this discussion and how it is relevant. I know you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer or particularly adept at thinking on your feet but you had better come up with a damn good reason for mentioning him. You know nothing about him, or his financial status.You're a worthless piece of shit. The only reason you have anything is because you profited off your father's death and now you exist to deny opportunities to anyone less fortunate than yourself. If there is a god he's disgusted by "people" like you.
But the arrogant ignorance of the devoutly religious does fit with the complete submission of the extreme right. Funny how not thinking seems to be the most essential requisite for both.
"Don't ever question, just accept, and do and think exactly as we tell you."
I hadn't "better" do anything to satisfy a subhuman like yourself. Regardless, I have read from you that your father died in the service and received a substantial payout. That means that you had VA benefits and probably a free ride through whatever little school you did to become a legal secretary and whatever else was coming your way. So despite the sadness of obviously having nobody to teach you how to be a man, you got a leg up that a lot of fathers would happily die so that their kids could have, yet you're so smug and arrogant that you sit there and talk about takers and people on welfare like you're not one yourself. You're a despicable human being.
Anyway, you're really not worth my time, I just stopped in to bring up the absurdity of religion before you piped up with your usual level of hostile stupidity. I won't be responding again, I have my thesis to complete for a masters degree in computer science, because I'm all about the path of least resistance.
I think people have it backwards. God is supposed to be the good guy and satan is the bad guy? Everybody is welcome in hell, you don't have to subjugate yourself.
God: "sure, you can have free will, but if you don't do what I want you to do, you're fucked."
Satan: "do whatever, and when you're done, come to hell and hang out, pretty much everyone is here."
Also, if god is the good guy, why does he need a propaganda machine? You don't see satan going door to door trying to recruit.
God is Satan and Satan is God. We are given the gift of life only to suffer for all eternity in the afterlife. You cannot appreciate the bitter without the sweet. We've been deceived and manipulated from day zero. We all end up in the same pit no matter how good or bad we are on this planet. Earth is a tough piece of gristle and will survive after we all fail each other. New life will begin.