who is this girl from borderpatrolsex????

plz someone knows this girl??????


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Josie Jagger 4 sure. I also got crazy after this girl (this scene in particular) though all I could find out was that Josie had a shooting to the site around nov/16/2014.
josie jagger.jpg
Also looks very similar on cumshot.

A pitty though, this scene is probably never seeing the light of the day (internet). Haters/activists took the website down though petition.

If people were doing some effort to stop ACTUAL rape and stuff instead of signing a petition to close a porn-site things would be working way better for the actual victims.
Let porn be our place of fantasy on sex the same way that movies/videogames are our place of fantasy about violence/invencibility and stuff.
(btw: never've heard of anyone that started killing people directly because of videogames, much less that started raping because of porn)