Little Red Wagon Repairman
Considering I've lived in LA nearly my whole life I haven't met many porn stars. The nicest one I've met was Alicia Rio. She was feature dancing at a strip club this one afternoon that I went to. As soon as I walked through the door I saw her looking at me with a big smile on her face. She welcomed me to the club and gave me a big, warm hug. Anyway, I went to go sit down and check out the stage acts. She sat down next to me and we had a friendly chat. I then proceeded to get the dirtiest, nastiest lap dances I ever got in my life from her. I know she's a stripper and there to make money but she was very nice about things and I have fond memories of her and that time I met her.
Does anybody know what's been going on with her in the last 10 years and how she's doing? Hope she's OK.
Does anybody know what's been going on with her in the last 10 years and how she's doing? Hope she's OK.