[NEEDS ID] Who is she and what scene ?

Hello, I think it is Riley Reign but not sure because I don't find this scene...;any idea please ?
Thanks a lot !


The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
OK. But the way to make that clear is to actually say it like you have done there rather than leave it open to interpretation.

You know... you said "noone can help me?" so you could just as well have said "I don't think it's him. Thank you, though. Any ideas, anyone?"

I took the dislike as meaning that his answer was unhelpful in the sense that it didn't automatically tell you what scene it was specifically like you were asking.
OK. But the way to make that clear is to actually say it like you have done there rather than leave it open to interpretation.

You know... you said "noone can help me?" so you could just as well have said "I don't think it's him. Thank you, though. Any ideas, anyone?"

I took the dislike as meaning that his answer was unhelpful in the sense that it didn't automatically tell you what scene it was specifically like you were asking.
Sorry, that was not my intention at all. I am truly sorry for appearing rude