The big problem with the Madden series is each year they try to add new features instead of actually fixing the problems that football fans have been complaining about for over a decade now. Some people would give anything if they just fixed all the problems it has had.
One of the biggest is blocking. Still after all these years it's like the defender and blocker are magnetically attracted to each other and a lot of defenders will turn and go to a blocker instead of taking an angle to the ball carrier like they would in real life. The other thing that has plagued almost every football game ever made is the fact that getting a sack with somebody on the defensive line is almost a complete effort in futility. Unless you do some stunt or trick out the computer in ways they would never play like in real life it's almost impossible. In fact most running back will also pick up the blitz perfectly if there is one. There are other things I have never liked, like the ability of quarterbacks to throw perfectly across their body or while running backwards while having no idea where their receivers are, the fact you can get tackled by somebody lying on the ground with his back up just by running near them, the unrealistic ability of having five or six special teams players around the person that catches the ball on 90% of the plays, when running up the middle is useless too often even when you have a superior run blocking offensive line, the ability of defensive backs to know exactly where the ball is and when to jump when they are not even looking back, the ability of defensive backs to close the gap with a receiver before the ball is even out of a quarterbacks hands, and the ability of most of the players in the game to be able to turn on a dime. If fact I think the only difference between difficulty levels is not the quality of play you face off against it's the fact that at higher levels they just make the computer controlled team psychic where they know exactly what your going to do each time.
I would much prefer they fix stuff like that instead of adding things like a big hit button or the other things they have come up with through the years.