Who else has shitcanned facebook?


Closed Account
I got so tired of seeing that someone just got a bushel of apples on farmville, along with messages that said: "Travis likes popsicles."

WTF? :bang:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
He likes popsicles? OH MAH GAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWD!!!!!!!!11111!!!!!!!!!ONE!!!!!!


Hiliary 2020
I just got sucked into it recently, but only to keep in contact with a few out of state relatives, but I never really use it.


My Penis Is Dancing!
If those are the posts you guys are seeing, the problems are not Facebook. The problem is that your friends are idiots.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
We're poking now? With what?


Lord Dipstick
Never had one-never will.
I'm a grown ass man.

Facebook is for 16 yr. old cyber bullies and High School reunion coordinators.



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Tell that to my relatives :facepalm:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I do use and like Facebook

It's a lot about going through your privacy setings

It's good to do business networking :2 cents:


persona non grata
What the hell is "farmville"?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
A lame excuse for a game? :dunno:
I've an account but unless I get an email saying someone has left me a message I avoid it. No one really needs to know how stupid their friends are
I've been teetering on whether to delete it or not. The crux of it is that most events and what not are scheduled through facebook with my friends or their wives, and truthfully it's the only way I know a Halloween party is happening this year or that my buddy is having a get-together on the 22nd.

God forbid you tell me face to face.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Ever heard of a phone?