Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. history

As high as that!

Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. history

They say that to know where you're going, you should know where you come from.

In that case, America's high school students are in trouble.

Just 13 per cent appear to know anything about U.S. history, according to the test dubbed the Nation's Report Card, released today.


How would you do? Students were given the above image and asked, 'Who built these buildings?' Their multiple choice answers were: A) French fur traders, B) Spanish missionaries, C) African slaves, or D) English settlers (answer below)

The other 87 per cent of high school seniors who took the 2010 National Assessment of Educational Progress showed a less than solid academic performance in the subject.

They were not alone: just 22 per cent of fourth grade students and 18 per cent of eighth-graders scored proficient or better.

The test quizzed students on topics ranging from colonization, the American Revolution and the Civil War to the contemporary United States.

For example, one question asks fourth-graders why it was important for the U.S. to build canals in the 1800s (to increase trade between states, of course.)

'The history scores released today show that student performance is still too low,' said Education Secretary Arne Duncan in a prepared statement.

'These results tell us that, as a country, we are failing to provide children with a high-quality, well-rounded education.'

Education experts say a heavy focus on reading and math under the federal No Child Left Behind law in the last decade has led to lagging performance in other subjects such as history and science.

'We need to make sure other subjects like history, science and the arts are not forgotten in our pursuit of the basic skills,' said Diane Ravitch, a research professor at New York University and former U.S. assistant education secretary.

Of the seven tested subjects on the national test, students performed the worst in U.S. history.

Officials with the National Assessment Governing board, which oversees the tests, say the U.S. history results aren't comparable to the other tests because different students take each exam in different years.

The scores on the history test did not vary remarkably from years past; in 1994, for example, 19 per cent of fourth-grade students scored proficient or better in U.S. history.

More than 7,000 fourth-grade students, 11,000 eighth graders and 12,000 high school seniors from a nationally representative sample took the test last year.

Judy Brodigan, who was head of the elementary social studies curriculum for the Lewisville, Texas, school district for a decade, said history and social studies classes aren't as much of a priority for school districts as math and reading.

She noted that many states only test history and social studies starting in middle school, which means elementary school students don't' get the background they need in the subject.

'When the foundation isn't built in elementary school, these students are coming to middle school lacking crucial skills,' Ms Brodigan said.

'What is means is that in what is becoming a more and more global society, American students are more and more at a disadvantage.'

Educators said history is critical to students learning how to become better citizens and understanding how the country's political and cultural systems work.

Students need to not only recognize leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln, but also understand why they were important to the development of the country.

'Overall the quality and success of our lives can only be enhanced by a study of our roots,' said Steven Paine, former state schools superintendent for West Virginia.

'If you don't know your past, you will not have a future.'

Answer: B) Spanish missionaries

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...l-students-know-US-history.html#ixzz1PLikyg4F


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Re: Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. histor

Still higher than Canada.
Re: Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. histor

So many Americans think I'm English because of my accent, even though I'm straight out Aussie.

You are a whacky bunch...

P.S. Do not think for a second that Aussies speak like "shrimp on the barbie" and have kangaroos running around our backgrounds. That's just uneducated.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Re: Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. histor

So many Americans think I'm English because of my accent, even though I'm straight out Aussie.

It's ok. Canadians think I'm Australian. Or South Farican. Or British. Or Dutch.

Did I mention I am from this damn country?
Re: Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. histor

It's ok. Canadians think I'm Australian. Or South Farican. Or British. Or Dutch.

Did I mention I am from this damn country?

Oh nah, it's fine. I always play along with it and act all British and sh*t. lol
Re: Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. histor

who do we blame/ ? teachers, parents, students -- all three?
Re: Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. histor

they spend more time teaching them to put condoms on cucumbers...
Re: Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. histor

P.S. Do not think for a second that Aussies speak like "shrimp on the barbie" and have kangaroos running around our backgrounds. That's just uneducated.

please dude, Ive seen Crocodile Dundee at least 5 times so I'm practically an authority on Aussie life and yes they do have kangaroos everywhere and the main meal is shrimp on a barbie. Even though Ive never been to Austria, it seems like a cool place.
Re: Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. histor

please dude, Ive seen Crocodile Dundee at least 5 times so I'm practically an authority on Aussie life and yes they do have kangaroos everywhere and the main meal is shrimp on a barbie. Even though Ive never been to Austria, it seems like a cool place.

5 times? Damn boy. Allow me to sit at your feet while you tell me all there is to know about Australia...

Re: Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. histor

Even though Ive never been to Austria, it seems like a cool place.

As long as you don't go more than 20 miles from the coast.

Australia is a couple cool cities on the coast and then thousands of miles of desolation.



AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Re: Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. histor

How did this turn into a Thread about the penal colony and all round anus of the world that transformed into the beautiful butterfly we now call Australia?

Maybe we should ask a Mod.

Oh, wait ......


Re: Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. histor

So many Americans think I'm English because of my accent, even though I'm straight out Aussie.

You are a whacky bunch...

P.S. Do not think for a second that Aussies speak like "shrimp on the barbie" and have kangaroos running around our backgrounds. That's just uneducated.

Ohhhh, Crikey! :horse: :facepalm:

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, the U.S. Department of Education is a 30-year experiment in insanity that needs to end.

Really, since the mid sixties, the federal government has invested over $2 trillion in American education. The payoff? Stagnant test scores, abysmal graduation rates, and piles of debt.

Fuck you, teachers unions
Fuck you, Jimmy Carter (signed the US Dept of Education into law in 79-80)
Fuck you, poor excuse for parents who can't commit their lives to their very children's well being.
Fuck you government employed ''education officials'' who only seem to care about their generous benefits and pensions.... ''we don't need no thought control!'' :thefinger: :yesyes:
Re: Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. histor

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, the U.S. Department of Education is a 30-year experiment in insanity that needs to end.

Fac. don't wish to digress -- but this sums up the Fed and Bernanke too ! results? big fat zero O ! }


Re: Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. histor

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

- Marcus Tillius Cicero
Re: Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. histor

{in fact, i actually think Bernanke is fucking insane ! }. and his policies DO have a knock-on effect on education and its funding ! :yesyes:


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Re: Who are we? How just 13% of America's high school students know their U.S. histor

My late mother loved American history and I took after her when I was a kid. To this day I still love reading and watching history documentaries. I've been to Civil War battlefields, French and Indian War sites, etc. I know where my relatives descended from. However, the stuff they teach you in school here in America is either half truths or complete bullshit. The so called "teachers" only teach what they want or are allowed to teach. I can give a couple examples:

1. Any American knows the story of how Jesse Owens was snubbed by Hitler at the Berlin Olympics. That is 100% grade A bullshit. Hitler actually waved at Owens and met him behind the area after. It was President Roosevelt that snubbed Owens. He didn't even send him a telegram or letter of congratulations.

2. When I was in school I was never taught about the Japanese internment camps out west during WWII. I had to find that out myself.

I'm a firm believer in the saying "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." It seems to me that anyone who wants to learn the real truth about America should do it on their own, away from the sugar coated lies that schools force these kids to learn. It was said in an earlier post that teachers are more concerned about showing kids how to put a condom on a banana then actually teaching them important things. That is the honest truth.

The only other thing the teachers show them is pictures of themselves on their phones. That's all you hear around my area is one sexting scandal after another. Half the teachers that send kids naked pictures make my want to puke in my soup, but the other half makes me ask the question: Why didn't I have teachers that looked that good?