Which Street Fighter 2 Character Do You Use


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
For me it is a tie between Sagat and Charlie from Street Alpha 2, anyone else name your favorite.
Okay, this is kind of confusing. Which Street Fighter 2 are we talking about? Super Street Fighter 2, Street Fighter Alpha 2 or any variation of Street Fighter that ends in 2?


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Okay, this is kind of confusing. Which Street Fighter 2 are we talking about? Super Street Fighter 2, Street Fighter Alpha 2 or any variation of Street Fighter that ends in 2?

Can be any variation of the game
Guy when he was brought in in the Alpha series.
Are we talking Street Fighter 2's exclusively or Street Fighter in general?:dunno:

Anyway I use Cammy 90% of the time. After her then it's split between Ryu, Chun-Li (SFIV version), Sakura, Karin, Akuma, and Ibuki.

Sometimes I'll pick characters I don't use a lot like Dan, Makoto, or Cody.
ill kick your ass with ryu, ken, and sagat. back in 1993 i won 3 tournaments using them. :crying: how i miss arcade gamerooms


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Cammy. Nothing is better than beating people with a half naked British chick.
The one who's like Ryu but not Ryu, if you know what I mean....

The red guy. I can't remember his name.... :dunno:

EDIT: Ken :cool:
I used to be damn near unstoppable with Sagat on Sega Genesis... Am I the only person that was in to the EX series??? That was the last SF i liked, before I dove completely head first into Tekken.