Which Pornstars have bad Egotism?

Which Pornstar girls out there have massive bad egos? This question came to me when I watched "Boogie Nights" recently. When Dirk Diggler had falling out from his friend and Director Jack (Burt Reynolds.) Dirk being all, "I'm the biggest fucking star here!!!"

Based on interviews any of you all have seen, who in the industry you think is full of it, thinking they are all that when they are not. Give an example of something they had said that sounds like egotism. Again not Actors, I'm talking the Porn actresses.
All of them.

Welcome to the world of underworked, overappreciated people. But you don't need to go to san fernando valley to find them, they live in your neighborhood, (well not your neighborhood), office and dance club.
This might be considered a flame thread, but ah what the hell...Tera Patrick, I saw something on MTV sometime ago about a car company that sought out rare cars for clients. Anyway they got a pink car damn near as close to the color she wanted. When she got to the shoot, she flipped out that it was the wrong color, etc. It was pretty much a whole downer, because I thought she was a dark, sultry, and serious lady, not some prissy bitch that howled like a cat in heat about the color pink.
I'm pretty sure that many of your top tier porn stars have attitudes, but than again, you need to have some kind of ego in order to perform sex on camera for the whole world to see.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
This might be considered a flame thread, but ah what the hell...Tera Patrick, I saw something on MTV sometime ago about a car company that sought out rare cars for clients. Anyway they got a pink car damn near as close to the color she wanted. When she got to the shoot, she flipped out that it was the wrong color, etc. It was pretty much a whole downer, because I thought she was a dark, sultry, and serious lady, not some prissy bitch that howled like a cat in heat about the color pink.

Yeah, I saw that too. I barely knew who she was. But then I goggled her and I was like, "you gotta be kiddin' me."

Several years ago, there was a YouTube video of Lucy Lee (The Crazy Asian) outside a club somewhere in L.A. She was about half drunk and she was talking about how she was going to get into real estate and she had plans for this and plans for that. She made herself sound like Donald Trump. Probably not a year later, I saw another video of her completely (and I mean COMPLETELY) wigging out at a video shoot. They finally had to toss her out of the house. The next thing I heard, she was in prison. Then she got out. Then... she got locked up again.

I guess ego is one thing. But some of them are just freakin' nuts... and they're not exactly tied in with reality.

Shy Love is another one that is said to have a huge ego. I don't know that much about her, but from sites where people (claim to) know her, that seems to be a common thread.
OMG, I'd hate so say, due to (impending) legal action:1orglaugh...I can think of maybe one or two. (nice thread:)

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Yeah, I saw that too. I barely knew who she was. But then I goggled her and I was like, "you gotta be kiddin' me."

Several years ago, there was a YouTube video of Lucy Lee (The Crazy Asian) outside a club somewhere in L.A. She was about half drunk and she was talking about how she was going to get into real estate and she had plans for this and plans for that. She made herself sound like Donald Trump. Probably not a year later, I saw another video of her completely (and I mean COMPLETELY) wigging out at a video shoot. They finally had to toss her out of the house. The next thing I heard, she was in prison. Then she got out. Then... she got locked up again.

I guess ego is one thing. But some of them are just freakin' nuts... and they're not exactly tied in with reality.

Shy Love is another one that is said to have a huge ego. I don't know that much about her, but from sites where people (claim to) know her, that seems to be a common thread.

Shy Love is actually very nice. She does not have an ego. You have to remember that not all people get along. Personalities do not always mess and some people will blame it on an ego.
Naughty Allie

About a year ago I tried to talk to the webmaster of NaughtyAllie.com. I asked a few questions about the content and how often do you update. Then I got a nasty reply by the person claiming to be Allie herself. She went off on me saying "are you blind!? Can't you read the update section!?". I then replied asking what was that about and said a lot of website after awhile begin to decline on how often they update. Not to mention I would like to make sure I'm getting my money's worth and not paying for a website that updates every few months. The next email I received was Allie's "husband" replied saying "we don't need to tell you anything and they don't need my money/subscription to the website.". Told me to fuk off as well.

Maybe she was having a rough week, but that doesn't mean you should go off on your fans/subscriber.

I'll check my old email address and see if I can find the email.
When you have an industry that mixes people with the maturity of an adolescent, vanity, easy quick money, drugs, slimball porners, fans that are blissful ignorant enablers, and where receiving attention is needed in many aspects of it to be successful you get a lot of stupid people.
Would you care to elaborate?

Well maybe a little. I remember in the late 90s, a couple of movie reviewers went out of their way to mention she had an attitude. Then a couple of years ago when she got back in the biz I read an interview with her, where she was compairing the changes in the industry. She said something like "Now there's hundreds of girls, back there there was only about a dozen and everybody knew our names". She was never top tier, not a contract star, generally didn't get the box covers, didn't get nominated for her performances, didn't have hit movies, didn't have any crossover attention (outside of porn, like Jenna, Janine, Tera, Savanna, Jesse, or Stormy get) before the Sarah Palin satire.


Everyone has a bad side. You could do a million nice notations and do one thing wrong which ruins your career for a while or forever.

No ones perfect best to just leave it at that.

"Every woman has a "bitch" side" - I didn't say this I've just heard this from many women over the years. Some woman rarely show it though. :)

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Shy Love is actually very nice. She does not have an ego. You have to remember that not all people get along. Personalities do not always mess and some people will blame it on an ego.

That's entirely possible, although we all have an ego to some degree. Apparently she is or was going through a nasty divorce or breakup sometime back? The people on the board I'm speaking of seemed to be taking the husband's side... and seemed to know (or claim to know) every bit of dirt on her: from the dispute about the house to whatever issues she was having with her agency.

But I don't know. I've never had any sort of interaction with her. I do enjoy her movies though. ;)

Not to put you on the spot or anything, but have you worked with or do you know Lucy Lee?
Erm a bit of a shallow argument don't you think basing it purely on interviews? I think you may find that other actors/actresses probably have far bigger egos than lowly porno stars in comparison. I am not going to name names.....since a law suit could soon follow and I wouldn't want that. I am sure if you got them between the sheets personality issues would all go flying out the nearest window.