Which Pornstar Has the most Scenes in your collection?

What is the most scenes of a single pornstar you have ever collected? Does anybody here have an anthology of a pornstar? Does anybody here strive to collect all the scenes a particular pornstar has ever done? Ive made half hearted efforts but I usually give up. Right now I have 20 scenes of Raylene. Im thinking of collecting all of her MILF scenes that she has done since her comeback. Im collecting all of her scenes in dvd quality format and putting all of them on blue rays.
I actually never collect any scenes. I live with other people who be upset to find out I watch porn, so I can't risk getting caught. Usually I rent movies for 1 day, 2 days maximum.

I've seen every movie of Krystal Steal's, going back to 2001. She was a stunner, at least until she got plastic surgery and messed herself up. She's retired now.

Another one is Lanny Barbie. I've seen all of her stuff too.

Eva AngeLina Is a close one - I've seen approx. 85% of her movies.

Yeah, those 3 get the most of my time.
What makes it hard is that these girls do too many dam scenes!! lol! I know for a fact if Samantha Kelly does porn I will collect all of her scenes.