Which girl from ghost hunters would you most want to fuck?

Which girl from the SyFy channel's "ghost hunters" shows would you most want to have sex with?

1. Kris Williams
2. Amy Bruni
3. Susan Slaughter
4. Ashley Troub
5. Heathyr Hoffman
6. Jane Riley
7. Michelle Tate

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
What the fuck? You didn't include Daphne or Velma. Velma is a little more cerebral but I'd go with Daphne.
This thread lacks pictures... I've never seen that show and way too lazy to google them... I'm going to have to judge them by numbers you have assigned to each name and the way their names sounds and looks to my eyes.

1. Kris sounds like a name for dude and so goes last Williams. That's double manly and I take he is not my type...
2. Amy, my, my, my... Who would like to listen someone repeating my, my, me, me all the time... At least in her last name ar' U 'n I, but sounds like bruin which kind of ruins it... Perhaps she is a huge scary woman by size...
3. Susan doesn't sound that bad, until you start to look it as Susa'n Slaughter and realize how racist ones name possibly can be... She probably gets in a lot of troubles whenever people call her by name... I wonder if that name gives her honor in her sex adventures... I'm not into a many men one woman kind of slaughters thought...
4. She sounds like a troublemaker and her first name leaves only ashes behind... I pass...
5. Anyone with a man in her last name is suspicious and her first name is really calling to Hate'her... She must be a gothic emo-girl... no thanks... Everybody have enough of their own problems already without needing to add some weird looking goths bringing even more depressive atmosphere around...
6. Jane doesn't sound all that bad, but Ja or Ne, Riley? Sounds like a boring girl who can't make her mind at anything and sadly end up to a negative words as well...
7. Borrowing foreign spelling, Michelle Tataaa! Sounds like a some kind of victory fanfare, so she must be the winner here...

Perhaps once you link pictures of each, preferably one for full-body view, one for face with some chest and last one with a booty from each of the girls, then I might be able judge better with whom I would prefer to have sex...
What the fuck? You didn't include Daphne or Velma. Velma is a little more cerebral but I'd go with Daphne.

Daphne is traditionally fitter, but I think Velma would be the better fuck. I think there's nasty hidden inside that one. I suspect Daphne is one that gets by on her looks and just lays there.

Swap at half time?
Which girl from the SyFy channel's "ghost hunters" shows would you most want to have sex with?

1. Kris Williams
2. Amy Bruni
3. Susan Slaughter
4. Ashley Troub
5. Heathyr Hoffman
6. Jane Riley
7. Michelle Tate

All of them. I mean they hunt ghosts. They could hold a seance over my dick.

jk I've never seen the show but it sounds hot.
I had no idea Ghost Hunters had hot chicks running around. Sounds like the news I watch so I'll give Ghost Hunters a try too.
