Which cable premium channel is best?

Hey eveyrone,

I need some help deciding which cable premium channel to subscribe to. I live on the East Coast and some of my choices are:

1. HBO (Home Box Office)
2. CineMax
3. Showtime

I am looking for one that has decent movies (e.i. new releases, family stuff and good adult stuff for when the wife and I are alone)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
HBO and Cinemax buddy cant go wrong with those two.
Jagger69 said:
HBO is the best, Cinemax 2nd and Showtime basically blows IMO.

I pretty much agree. HBO has more original programing (and good ones at that) as well as boxing events and the occassional concert. Skinemax:D . . . I meant Cinemax, has some decent movie choices.
Showtime has some good movies at times but I never got into their original shows.
HBO is great with original shows and for movies.
Starz is the best channel for new releases though.
Dont bother with showtime, if u like b movies and softcore porn get cinemax lol but dont get it for good movies. This advice is coming from someone who has all 4. I could deal without showtime and cinemax, but I need my starz and HBO.

HBO number 1