What's Your Vodka?

Personally I enjoy Sobieski, gives just the right kick on cold nights. :D
How about everyone else?


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Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Pearl vodka is probably the smoothest stuff I've ever had. Then probably Goose and then Absolut. All good shit.

There is a myth that people can't smell you if you drink vodka or that you can pass breathalizers, but that is what it is, just a myth. Vodka makes you wreak just like any other poison.
Ciroc or Stoli's. Ciroc is one of the smoothest Vodka's I've had, it's smooth since it's made from grapes.

Really? I find Ciroc finishes terribly...not smooth at all. I put it way out of top ten.

I prefer Grey Goose, myself. Though if you're looking for bang for your buck, try Sky Vodka.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Never liked vodka, but I see alot of Cadwells plastic vodka bottles around where I live. And Cadwells is the cheap vodka, and you can see the vapor trails passing along from the fumes.
whiskey for me but as far as vodka goes svedka, gvori, stoli or tito's are acceptable
The cheapest, nastiest shit the supermarket outside of the alcoholics anonymous outreach centre decides to stock.

It's vodka, I'm not buying it to taste it, I'm buying it so that when I wake up in the morning in some asian families front yard, naked, wearing one pink stiletto, covered in someone else's blood I'll have some general idea as to what might have been the cause.
The cheapest, nastiest shit the supermarket outside of the alcoholics anonymous outreach centre decides to stock.

It's vodka, I'm not buying it to taste it, I'm buying it so that when I wake up in the morning in some asian families front yard, naked, wearing one pink stiletto, covered in someone else's blood I'll have some general idea as to what might have been the cause.

Where exactly is the single stiletto placed, when you wake up in such situations? I mean, is it strapped to your junk, or stuck up you bung?