What's worse, Tattoos Near Pussies or near Tits?


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I think either place kind of spoils a hot porn star. Just my opinion. Which is worse, a Tat near the Vag or near the Juggz?
I would say near the pussy, Don't really like them on tits either but a choice between the two whould be pussy


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I generally don't like tattoos on girls at all. I don't mind all that much if it's a "meaningful" tattoo, but, let's be honest...

If a girl has a tattoo on her tits or by her pussy, the only meaning involved is "I am a trendy slut", and homey don't play dat.
Don't like tats on tits at all so near the pussy is preferable. Would rather they had neither if given that choice.
Pussies should be left inkless. If she can handle it, a piercing can be pretty sexy there, though. Hardly essential, though!
Agreed. Tits are beautiful things to look at unadulterated. They don't need to be ruined with a tat. If a tat could be "worked around" the landing strip, maybe I could be "ok" with one by the pussy.
You can tell how bad the advice they get is considering after all this time so many of them haven't figured it out that most people just don't like tattoos. Small ones and ones that are out of the way and never seen are pretty much the only ones that are tolerable. It's almost as bad as the ultra-large boob jobs some of them get, when a lot of them never even needed it in the first place.

Note to ladies in the adult industry: Most guys don't like tattoos on women...really.
I like to see the beautiful sking on those areas but i feel ink has no place on a tit.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Some gals look good with tats others don't, I personally don't care for tats anywhere near the titties!! :eek:

I don't really care for tats close too the pussy either! but,

I don't mind the stomach or abdomen / belly button area! :thumbsup:

p.s. I do however despise the double tat on both sides like stars or whatever they have kitten paws...etc... :nono: :2 cents: