Whats the Weather like Where you Are?

for me, its been pouring for about 2 hours. started to rain last night a bit, then when i woke up today it was cloudy but patches of blue around the sky. uncanny, seein as how 4 days ago it was sunny, pretty nice weather. bad way to spend my spring break guys.

so, whats it like where you live?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Cloudy, with a chance of check the search function. Here, here, or here

You head. A toilet. Make friends.
Cloudy, with a chance of check the search function. Here, here, or here

You head. A toilet. Make friends.

my bad man. i made the search, didnt see anything relevant. probably should have checked through what came up a bit more. either that or i didnt use the right key words. rookie mistake

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
my bad man. i made the search, didnt see anything relevant. probably should have checked through what came up a bit more. either that or i didnt use the right key words. rookie mistake

Okay, we need to try this again. When you apologize, I (almost) feel bad. You're supposed to get angry and call me a jackass.

It's really not a big deal. Nobody posted in those old threads anyway. I just like to annoy the shit out of people...
my bad man. i made the search, didnt see anything relevant. probably should have checked through what came up a bit more. either that or i didnt use the right key words. rookie mistake

Don't worry, Andronicus Ry is Freeone's own curmudgeon. He also lives in a toilet and wants people to bang heads with him.

I hear he has a big penis though. And erectile dysfunction. So, that's a win-lose situation....

Oh, the weather is so nice here that I went for a motorcycle ride after it was dark. Bitching.
Okay, we need to try this again. When you apologize, I (almost) feel bad. You're supposed to get angry and call me a jackass.

It's really not a big deal. Nobody posted in those old threads anyway. I just like to annoy the shit out of people...

nah man, dont feel bad at all. shit, ive been here long enough, it was a rook mistake. jackass. besides w/e dirk says, your cock is tiny. so, hows about that

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
nah man, dont feel bad at all. shit, ive been here long enough, it was a rook mistake. jackass. besides w/e dirk says, your cock is tiny. so, hows about that

Much better. :hatsoff:
ill get it right next time.

more on the thread note though, it stopped raining here, for the time being


what the fuck you lookin at?

Not something usually said about weather in Northern Indiana...
random as fuck, entirely unpredictable...several weeks ago it was blizzarding, a week later it was 40-50 degrees and sunny like spring, now its gray and kinda cool and overcast...its very angering
During the day it was sunny and hot in the lower 90's with a few clouds. Now in the evening, it's probably somewhere in the upper 80's or lower 90's and if you think Chicago is the windy city, they probably sent it to us for today, 20 to 30 mph winds with some 40 mph gusts. Good thing I use lots of hairspray :D

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Rainy and cold in Northern Idaho.

[adds to post count]


Lord Dipstick
On the way to 80 degrees this weekend here @ the home of Snooki, The Situation and all that is douchebaggy!!
*sniffs* I can smell the suntan lotion and boardwalk pizza already!! :nanner:
It was sunny and like 68 here today. Tomrorrow will be in the 70's and sunny.

This is coming off of like 5 days of off-and-on rain.