What's the point?

What's the point?​


  • whatisthepoint.jpg
    62.5 KB · Views: 236
There are some kinds of everyday normalcy that even that sort of extremity can't destroy.

This is an interesting photo.
Did you notice the fat guy with the balloon in the background? I´m betting he is an american tourist.
It is an interesting question, but I suppose you can always tell which person you are.

Although it does seem to be a slightly mundane place to take a picture, unless there something really interesting behind them? Looks residential to me :dunno:

Surly there are more interesting places to take a photo, dammit!!! :crash:
look, it's taliban barbie.

You know that, if he were Taliban, he wouldn't have a digital camera and he wouldn't take pictures of women, right?
If you want to be prejudiced, be at least smart about it.