What's the deal...

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I don't know. My younger brother was married a year and a half ago, had a baby, and has another one on the way. I'm not sure why he's so eager to end his life. I'm not getting married until I'm at least thirty and am positive that nothing else good can happen in my life.
Speaking from my own shores experience, people are getting married because they had the kinds so young.

Nothing makes me smile more than seeing a pram pushing couple. The screaming bastard, writhing in his own soiled nappy and the faces of the parents, defeated, destroyed human beings, knowing their own futures are now gone to the fact they were irresponsible in a night of passion. (Passion being latin for 3 minutes of disapointing premature ejaculatory sex)

Even then, knowing their one night stand means they are forever linked, married to one another since no one else will want a single parent. I sure as hell wouldnt raise another mans 12lb mistake, nor do I see any woman being enthralled to be with a guy who on weekends has to babysit a child he has as much affection for as a throw pillow.

The best situation is when you see the above, on top of which, the pale faced, sleep deprived possibly drunk mother has the tell tale signs of a second baby bump!


Closed Account
It's all to down to religion, or the het abandonment of religion, or booze, or drugs, or fun, any of those ones.


Official Checked Star Member
If its not because of pregnancy, I have to believe that its the whole "grass is greener" syndrome going on. Kids think marriage is all happiness and lovey dovey and want to be a part of the marriage club until they cross that fence and see that the grass is actually NOT greener, its black and evillllllllllllllll.


Is somewhere outhere.
Fuck knows.If thats what pleases them then why not :dunno:

I never wanted to be in that situation,so I always avoided the
marriage and kids phase.Whenever it sprung up in my previous
relationships,I knew that was time to get the hell out of there


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I am glad my older brother got married when he was young, because now I can play crazy uncle to my nephews; we have lot's of fun building WWII models and then blowing them up with a vast array of fireworks. Shaking up their grandfathers can of beer so it explodes, decking them out in full zombie make up so their mother can faint right in the kitchen...And don't get me started on Christmas we do alot of stupid stuff!


Member, you member...
They think they are "in love" but they are not and mess up from the start.
They are fools I think. I'd like to hope that when I get married I can have at least a few good years without any kids.