If you're broke, how did you end up with a high maintenance girl? lol
But in all seriousness, I'm a girl who likes being taken out and treated good, but there are MANY ways to make a girl feel special without breaking the bank. First step here is :think of what she likes. If she's a girly girl who loves the spa, find some at-home spa recipes for facials, hair treatments, and just spend an evening making her feel pretty...top it off with a full body massage and I'm pretty sure she'll return the favor.
Or if she likes the outdoors, why not find a nice hiking trail near you, pack a small picnic and spend the day hiking and taking photos? Girls appreciate quality time...well girls who aren't materialistic that is, and if your gf is, then I'd advise getting rid of her unless you're the kind of guy who gets off on having a high maintenance gf on your hands.
But yeah...the options are endless. Rent a movie. Cook her dinner. Take her to the zoo, admission isn't pricey. Go to the beach. Or if she's like me, just buy a cheap case of beer, cook up some bacon and enjoy pigging out and getting drunk! :glugglug: