What you think about gastric bypass?

I think it's good if you're morbidly obese and the alternative to not having the surgery is death...Although, I'm not a doctor so my opinion doesn't count.

I'm curious as to why you're asking.
I've known two people who have done it, and I've even considered it myself once.

I know that it was a very hard time for them. That had to be even more careful with what they ate because they could get sick very easily...also, when it came to eating they had to watch out as well because they could go from "hungry as hell" to "completely full" pretty quick and it would make them throw up if they weren't careful.

Also, one of them had a bad problem with loose skin afterwards and she had to get surgery done to fix that problem.

After all this, if you eat for other reasons (emotional eating, etc...) this problem will not go away with this surgery.

I think it's the best to go the hard way, but I can understand some people choosing this as an option...it's not easy being over-weight at all. It's awful.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
I think it's good if you're morbidly obese and the alternative to not having the surgery is death...Although, I'm not a doctor so my opinion doesn't count.

I'm curious as to why you're asking.

I am asking because i see day by day this happening and i hear friends who want to do this.
I don't agree with this. Better keep a healthy diet and do some exercises then this.
I know are lots of things to get a people slimmer,and i don't trust pills for example. I know people who took some type of pills that contains caffeine. One of the pills are unydine if i am not mistaking.
It has no effect.
Fortunately i don't have problems with my weight and i don't want a gastric bypass.lol
I do sport a lot and i always care about what i eat, i believe is easier to prevent, no?
Ty for asking tough.
Elly Jaine.
I'm in favor of Pacific Bypass surgery.

it's where you get on a plane and fly to Somalia. It's a real great cost effective way to lose weight.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Just found out that one person have died because of this bypas sugery.:(
Dang, that is really sad. I guess not only one has died from this.
Elly Jaine.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Here are some side effects.

"About a year ago, we began to hear more and more about the potentially fatal risks associated with gastric bypass surgeries, snatching away much of its "quick-fix, cure-all" allure. Researchers have identified a new and potentially very dangerous side effect: A severe hypoglycemic reaction that may require emergency treatment.

The study features details of three non-diabetic gastric bypass patients who experienced such high insulin levels after eating their meals, their cognitive abilities became impaired and, sometimes, blacked out. In two cases, those blackouts led to two car accidents.

After their bypass surgeries and significant weight loss, patients developed postprandial hypoglycemia (low blood sugar after meals) that failed to respond to any dietary or medical treatment. Eventually, the condition required partial or full removal of their pancreas.

Researchers blame their patients' severe hypoglycemia on what's called the dumping syndrome, a condition that occurs when the small intestine fills up too quickly with undigested food from the stomach.

As I've said before, when you use the wrong tool to "cure" any medical condition -- especially when it's a lifestyle medical concern like obesity -- you're virtually guaranteed to have problems. Of course, that hasn't stopped people, like the former half-ton man, from doing it anyway. People forget it didn't take them a day to gain all those extra pounds, and it will take considerably longer to lose it safely and smartly."
you can find more here:

It is a band-aid solution to a problem. It may alleviate the symptoms, but it won't cure you any more than cutting of a limb would stop it from aching (technically true, but hardly an ideal solution).

Exercise to increase your metabolism and use a diet that ensures there's less overall to metabolize. Apart from making you feel better and being healthier overall, it's the only permanent and natural solution. Any other is just temporary or potentially harmful.
On the other hand, tf there is no other solution, do it, but only if you have to. Like if you have heart problems, exercise is preferable to surgery, but sometimes it may have gone too far for that and you need to get worse before you can get better.


Closed Account
I loss my best friend to morbid obesity, its misery and health effects. While ten years ago many of these type surgeries were available, many insurances would not cover them. Such was the case of my friend, who eventually succumbed to diabetes, circulatory problems, amputation and soon after death. Had it been as readily available and routine as it is now, I think she would still be alive.

I think of this issue daily. I think that in understanding that people who are in this place in their life are suffering a mental illness as well as physical ones. Only then can you open your mind to what a difference the surgery can make, but to how it can be handled in the big picture to benefit a person. Many aren't aware of this and only see sloth.

To have had the surgery and lost weight would have given back self worth she had long ago lost. Mentally helping her to to "take the bull by the horns" so to speak and begin to have the strength and desire to control this demon herself. Giving her back pride and ending the hopelessness would have been a great step in the right direction. It is an addiction/disease, but unlike drugs and alcohol you have to eat in order to live. Its kinda like telling a alcoholic, you can drink but only a 1/2 oz. a day, or a drug addict OK but only one hit. It doesn't work.

I do feel it in some instances is being abused, I know a women who had it done and was not even really fat. Maybe 35 pounds overweight and looking for the easy way out. That's pure lazy. I feel patients morbidly obese after having counselling etc. should have it done. Along with more counseling as the butterfly emerges. Its my understanding that there are several methods that are a temporary fix and can be removed/reversed. So that there are no long term effects. I think that by the time these people lose the weight, get a grip on their problem through therapy and feel better about themselves they could do it on their own. I only wish my friend had of been given the chance.

Note: Now everyone knows why I defend rotten comments on obese women. My friend was the most personable, caring, giving person I've ever known. Leaving many better for having known her.

I am a firm believer that people can eat all and anything they want as long as they burn off those calories. I do believe this kind of surgery should be like the last resort for morbidly obese people who have tried everything else, from trying to find other causes for their obesity to diets and exercise without any result.

But after saying that, I don't look down on people who have gotten that surgery for cosmetic reasons, their bodies their bussiness, I just hope it works out well for them.
Bariatric surgery??! Yikes! Theres a can of worms!

Now please hear me out - I'm not dismissing gastric bypass outright. Goodness knows some folks really NEED it or they won't survive to see next month.

I guess my "issue" goes back to the root of many surgeries being performed today. Surgery today has become so wide spread and "safe" ... that many folks don't seem to think long and real hard about it. I've long held the professional (and personal) opinion that surgery should indeed be the "absolute last step". And when we do reach 'surgery' - we start with the smallest, simplest procedure and advance from there.

Personally - dealing with many morbidly obese folks on an everyday basis helps me understand the motivation for (radical) surgical procedures to help control their weight. Body image and it's resultant issues are a lot more complex than people give it thought and credence (and you'd be surprised as to how often it affects men as it does women). And many times it's not "I want to look prettier" but more often "I'm sick of not being able to take care of myself and not being able to enjoy my kids and grand kids".

Professionally - I don't think the risks are outlined in accurate enough ... and more importantly ... in understandable enough terms for individuals to make an informed choice. This is my pet peeve for almost all medical/surgical procedures. Naturally this depends on surgeon to surgeon - your mileage may vary (but in my decades old experience of dealing with surgeons..... well, let's just say it's a different topic all together).

As a professional - I don't distinguish between gastric bypass or CABG or TURP or TAH/BSO or Turbinatectomy or "what-have-you". I do my best to inform individuals of their options, choices and the GOOD AND the BAD that can come from each surgery. And I always end my presentation with the quote (e.g.): "The statistics say that only 5% of those who go through this surgery end up with serious complications. I will stress the fact though: It ain't no longer 5% but 100% if it should happen to you".

Point being - I want them as mentally prepared to weigh the consequences before they sign the consent form. They need to know what could happen to them - I can only "help" them... but they have to live the rest of their lives with it.

As a person - I can only empathize with anyone who feels so pressured as to resort to something as drastic as surgery to help restore a more "healthy body" morph in their eyes.

LL: I'm sorry you had to lose a close friend to such tragic circumstances.

My rather weighty $1.46 on the subject,

PS: My remarks were directed towards Bariatric Surgery in general. I'm not discussing Cosmetic Surgery at all. That's a whole different ball of wax.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I worked with a guy who was like a 400 pounder and all it made him do was eat more than ever. Still extremely obese. Too bad because he is a great guy otherwise.

It doesn't seem like a good solution to me. I agree with the people that say it should only be an absolute last resort when the alternative is death, and the person obviously refuses to want to do anything else to get themselves back in shape. There is a lot better and healthier ways to loose fat and get healthy.
i think a lot of the people who get gastric bypasses are lying to themselves when they say they diet and get regular excersise. i think a lot of them probably live to regret never being able to eat a decent meal again too.
my first post was a little off, this isn't a joking matter. I agree that it's for some people weight is a real problem and not just a case of being lazy, just like anorexia and other body image disorders and complusive behaviour. But I also can't help but being a little tough on dishing out the sympathys when so many people are starving to death in the world and dying from aids and shit like chicken pox.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
So many opinions put forth. I feel.. a number of things on this topic.

Not everyone has it easy. While it's generally accepted that later in life the pounds dont come off so easily, there are also quite a few whose genetics are.. unnecessarily screwing them over. Agreed calpoon, the rest of the world is a place where the need to constant search for food is HARDLY a flaw. But you can cry foul that people are spending thousands.. MILLIONS of dollars of cosmetic surgery while little Abumbwe is starving. The upper 6% control 60% of the worlds wealth. Take it up with them, nobody here has any say in the issues. In top of the line countries where you're never a half hour away from tons.. literally tons.. of food to choose from.. it's just a liability to want to survive by eating, eating eating.

As for the surgery.. I'm on the side of freedom, here. So some people died. In relation to the number of people it helped.. how low is the percentage, here?

I think it's the same with dietary/energy aids like ephedra. So some middle aged, obese guy with a preexisting heart condition died after he took 8 pills.. and that adds fuel to the fire that we should what.. ban everything that is bad for us?

I say by all means, legalize it as a voluntary, cosmetic vanity of a surgery everywhere. Nothing is truly harmless. The world cannot.. and should not be sanitized of all danger. Give 'em a disclaimer. Sign the waiver. Done deal. Now that some people have died, just update the post-op list of things the patient has to do: Check yer damn blood sugar. It isnt difficult. If we can brush our teeth, wipe our ass and take a shower, then putting 2 minutes into a glucose monitor to check if you're about to fall into a shock doesnt sound so bad, now does it?

But thats just my opinion, like the line above states.. I aint the upper 6% and whatever I say is pretty much useless save to vent my frustrations. :bows out:
Being a big guy I would never consider doing anything like that. I just work out hard and try not to eat that bad and the weight will eventually come off. I think that people who opt for the surgery just want an easy way out because they don't want to put in the effort of workinh out