What You Getting Your Love Ones 4 X-Mas?

I still dont know what to get them?.... any suggestions? theses days everything is so expensive.
A Red Ryder BB Gun
Chocolate. If I tried anything else, it would be the wrong one.

I also know what they're getting me. Don't you just hate it when someone asks you exactly what you want, then buys it on E-Bay right in front of you? :mad: :wave2:
Chocolate. If I tried anything else, it would be the wrong one.

I also know what they're getting me. Don't you just hate it when someone asks you exactly what you want, then buys it on E-Bay right in front of you? :mad: :wave2:

Depends on what I asked for. If it was a Gulfstream 4 I'd probably be ok with watching the transaction take place.
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We're on a budget this year because of recent events, so we agreed to make each other gifts instead of buying something useless. I'm making him a ton of PJ pants with my sewing machine, and will likely make him some bating material.
Chocolate. If I tried anything else, it would be the wrong one.

I also know what they're getting me. Don't you just hate it when someone asks you exactly what you want, then buys it on E-Bay right in front of you? :mad: :wave2:

lol.. that has not happened to me yet
We're on a budget this year because of recent events, so we agreed to make each other gifts instead of buying something useless. I'm making him a ton of PJ pants with my sewing machine, and will likely make him some bating material.

awww thats sweet..
I always give jewelery you cant go wrong with that and it last longer then most other presents.

thats a nice suggestion. but I can't get a 4 year old boy jewlery. they are more into toys


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
We're on a budget this year because of recent events, so we agreed to make each other gifts instead of buying something useless. I'm making him a ton of PJ pants with my sewing machine, and will likely make him some bating material.

By "bating material", you mean that you're going to give him a few pictures of me...right?

Nothing creates boners like my boyishly adorable face. Everybody knows that.
She gets my full attention.:D
I'll be nice to her, going out for dinner the first day and I am cooking the 2nd day.

Just relaxing and enjoying our "quality-time".
I'm getting my roommate an alarm clock for deaf people. I am sick of waking up at 6am to his alarm while he sleeps like a baby.

We'll see how well he sleeps when there is Aurora Borealis going on inside his room.

I bought my brother a Celtics jersey and me and him are going to the Lakers/Celtics game on Christmas Day. Go Lakers.

Still shopping for my mom. Got her the entire Friends series on DVD. But I need somethin else.