What Would You Do For $1,000,000?

This should be a WIDE-OPEN question...

What would YOU do for a MILLION dollars? Please don't respond with stuff like "I'd swallow a live goldfish for $100," etc.

WHAT WOULD YOU DO for a MILLION bucks??? How FAR would you go?

Let's have some fun with this one... :) :nanner:
Good Lord...what a pathetic start to this thread!!!

Would you jump into shark-infested waters for a million? Would you eat monkey brains for a million? Would you walk a tight-rope at 100 storeys? Would you climb the Eiffel Tower for a million bucks? Would you fight a King Cobra for a million? Use your IMAGINATION!!!

Come on, guys!!! Sheesh...this isn't such a tough idea/concept...lol
I'd eat the monkey brains as long as they were cooked to the proper FDA standards and simmered in a white wine sauce with a dash of oregano. ;) Obviously, I'm just having some fun at your expense.

I like some of your ideas though. Especially the King Cobra idea; I wouldn't want to try it, but I would like to see it. May I suggest writing to the Fox network? They could use a guy like you.

Okay, okay, okay, let me see... I would not eat for a week. I would try at least. It would hurt, but it would be worth it.


Member, you member...
Watch a full episode of American Idol, The Apprentice, and The Simpsons. Never have fallen in line like sheep for these shows, so that should be extreme enough for me.
i think i would need more then 1 million to take a facial. but all the other things mentioned i would have no problem doing. This is just like a klondike Bar add. "what whould you do for a Klondike Bar?... whould you kill a man?"


I would...eat food that had fallen on the floor and been there for 1 minute. "Oh my God, he is so hardcore," they would all say.
Buy two houses and put one of them for rent so I have a second income.Buy two or three muscle cars.Fucking pornstars and/or escorts just in order to have some good hardcore sex. I think all this is possible to do for 1000000$ :yesyes:
XanderJack said:
I would...eat food that had fallen on the floor and been there for 1 minute. "Oh my God, he is so hardcore," they would all say.
:rofl2: I knew this thread needed guidelines.
georges said:
Buy two houses and put one of them for rent so I have a second income.Buy two or three muscle cars.Fucking pornstars and/or escorts just in order to have some good hardcore sex. I think all this is possible to do for 1000000$ :yesyes:

Je pense que tu as lire le question incorrectement. Qu'est ce que tu peut fait pour avoir $1,000,000? C'est quoi ton limites?


are you talking to me?
make a porn-production company ;)
such a broad question...

I'd post "GWB is Gay!" flyers all over washington for a million.

Walk through any American airport and shout BOMB!..


i will buy a ship for my business then i will buy Amber Micheals and Krystal steal then i will buy a house there will be a pool where i will all the pornstar do swiming
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