What was your favorite video game era?

I gotta go with the SNES. CRPGs from that era are the best games ever. FF IV, V, and VI (Japan) were better than anything that came before or after. We also had Secret of Mana, Breath of Fire, Chrono Trigger, and Secret of Evermore.

Ahh the good old days. I still play my SNES and SNES emulator more than anything else I have


Closed Account
90s was the best decade hands down. Nowadays I can pick individual games I like for systems, but Super Nintendo, N64, and PSone were quality and fun all rolled up.


Lord Dipstick
80's era Sega!

Pitfall, Frogger and River Raid!

Yeeaahhh!! :nanner:


Lord Dipstick
Sega Genesis :hatsoff:

Genesis was great. Though it gained its popularity in early 1990s with Mortal Kombat and licensed movie games. I love Aladdin in that system along with Golden Axe, Burgerman, and Mortal Kombats. Not to mention countless other games that was released in the '90s.

The '80s it was obscured and for people who fucked up in not buying a NES. :D
It has to be 1995 to 2001. The era of the PSone.

This is when gaming really got good. It improved ten fold over what came before. Gaming up till then was just a few simple designed levels with a ton of challenging assault courses going from left side to the right side of your screen. The games were so shallow back then that they needed to be made hard through the difficulty setting. Otherwise games from back then would have been completed faster than you could complete COD4 or Gears of War. There's more of a labour of love in todays designing of games than ever there was. The difficulty level was all that made games of the 80's last longer than a wank session.


It has to be now and its always is the present time , games just get better and better apart from the football(soccer) ones , which just seem to get worse since the next gen consoles have came out

Fond times I look back on are Atari(Peles soccer) , Commodore 64(Big Mac , Soccer Manager) , SNES(Mario Cart , Fifa) , Sega Mega Drive (alex Kidd , World Cup Soccer), PS1 (Pro Evo , Aliens , LMA)
It has to be PS1 era!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I logged more hours on a PS1 than any other console and that was when i was a kid and went out all the time with my friends for the whole day. Back in the mid 90's when the PS1 came out it was the first console i really wanted and it never let me down once not even to this day.

Got many fond memories of playing games like Resident Evil in my room on my own at night as well as playing it at my friends house all the time along with many other games.
Super NES. By far. Games then had a sense of imagination and didn't take themselves too seriously (FF7, I'm looking at you, you whiny emo piece of shit). I still have a super nintendo, and have a small collection of some of the better titles.

Edit: I guess it really should be the SNES/Genesis era. Genesis had some great games for it, too. Shining Force I & II, Sonic, Rocket Kight Adventure, Comix Zone, the list goes on. It was always a bit more arcade-y than the SNES.

I still have every game except the rated x ones.

Before that, the Adam Computer.


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tough one but i think more good soild games on ps1 but sega and super nintendo were fun too
Fav VG era was when PS1, N64 and Dreamcast were the top 3 systems. Each system trying to bring something new to the table every month. Poor Dreamcast... still brings a tear to my eye thinking about it.. still waiting for Shenmue 3... :(
I remember 3DO. That was awesome system I thought. Soccer Kid, I was introduced to Need for Speed on it, and couple other games. Good times :D


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
PS1 Era > PSR3/XBOX360/WII Era
I must admit to having an affection for the old days of the Atari 2600. I might have been what these days is called a "fanboy". Belonged to the Atari fanclub. Cool thing was, they used to sell motherboards (?) for the joysticks that would make them alot more responsive so it made the games more fun to play.
The xmas day I got the Atari I sat and played Asteroids till I flipped it (1 million points perhaps?).
It was nice to see how things took off from there although I had lost interest after a couple of years.
All the new games and systems. The cool (for the time) graphics.
I had a couple of nephews that were HUGE into the newest games and it seemed like every year they'd be getting a new system.
Of course I'd have to sound like an old guy. "You know, back in the day........"