What was the first porn you saw?

Daddy's Girls

It was around '83. Saw it in a theater. I was only 16 but didn't get carded. I still remember a lot from it. The girls were all hot as hell.

I went with a friend. Neither of us had seen a porn before and we frankly didn't know what to expect. I think we were just expecting a lot of boobies bouncing around and not much else.

It started off with a hot big-titted chick dressed like Daisy Duke hitch-hiking and she gets picked up by a guy in a convertible. 30 seconds later he's got his cock out and she's sucking it. Needless to say, both my friend and I were suddenly like...whoa!!!

Ah...memories. I took my first step into a big world that day.

My cock has still never forgiven me for all the abuse it's suffered since.



Pucker Up Butter Cup.
Neutron thats hilarious I had seen naked girls before in playboys and late night skinamax flix but when I saw taboo at age 13 and saw a cock actually penetrating a pussy I remember having the same reaction like whoah lol To that point I remember thinking sex was just kissing a girl and rolling around with her butt naked little did i know there was way more pleasure in sex! lol
The first porn movie I have seen, was the movie Babewatch. Very impressive to see some on screen sex for the first time. All girls had very big tits.
If it came to clips, then it was just some random thing online that I don't remember.

But if it came to an actual full movie, then it was "Thrust" starring the always beautiful Nina Mercedez. She did the most amazing thing by contacting me here on the Freeones Boards and said that because of my support and nice comments about her, she wanted to do something special for me. She sent me that movie and autographed every single corner of it and along with two pictures of her. I mean, she autographed the case, the DVD itself, and even the advertisment inside. I only watched it once and then put it in a protective case. Nina has ways and will always be my #1.


I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn isn't safe
I saw "Deep Throat" in a theater in 1973. But..The 1st porn I could wank to was at a drive in in '75. The original "Debbie does Dallas". I filled up 2 hankerchiefs with spunk :) Still have his movie on DVD and watch it about once a month. Ahhh memories.
Pink Lagoon (1984)
I think the name of it was Cum All Over. Saw it around '92 or so. I have no idea who was in it.


what the fuck you lookin at?

or rather the last scene and a half. Found on the side of the road when I was 14. Was like finding gold back then! I've since ran across and downloaded the entire movie online.
not sure, way too many porn pics in my databanks, it's become almost a blur :1orglaugh, but if i had to guess, i'd say some page 3 maxim chicks. but before pre porn, classic underwear ads :tongue: