What to do if you fell in love with a massage girl?

Guys, I have a stupid question to you. I was getting an erotic massage today and felt in love with the girl who did.

What to do? Any advice?

A. Never go there again. She just say "you are looking so beautiful" because she wants to have all your money. Plus she says that to every guest.
B. Be generous, make compliments, send her flowers so she might let you bang her.
C. Make a plan how to win her heart.
I've had a similar experience, only different. Actually, now that I think about it, my case was worse. :(
You fell or felt in love with the girl?

Your emotional attachment exists because you are thinking with your dick. You know nothing about this woman other than the fact she is willing to touch you for money.

"Me love you long time!" is a sales pitch, not a marriage proposal.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Guys, I have a stupid question to you. I was getting an erotic massage today and felt in love with the girl who did.

What to do? Any advice?

A. Never go there again. She just say "you are looking so beautiful" because she wants to have all your money. Plus she says that to every guest.
B. Be generous, make compliments, send her flowers so she might let you bang her.
C. Make a plan how to win her heart.

Run an experiment: whatever you tipped her the last time, if you double it, I think she will "love" you twice as much. But if you don't tip her at all, she will stop "loving" you at all. In other words, whatever you *think* she feels (or might feel) for you is based entirely on how much money you're willing to give her. You really do need to understand and accept that. That doesn't make her a bad person or anything. That's just the deal.

I've had a similar experience, only different. Actually, now that I think about it, my case was worse. :(

I thought about that when I read his post. Hopefully that worked out OK for you. I had to give you props for trying. And maybe I'm cynical and jaded on matters of the heart (which I admit that I am), but I just think that people tend to be who they are and you can't really change them. But sometimes to get something from you, they will be willing to play a part - and that's where a well-meaning person may get hurt.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Kill her and keep her body in a chest freezer in your garage.
That way she's all yours for all time :)
I'm sure the victim of sex trafficking will be very grateful to hear of your affections for her. It'll probably brighten what was an otherwise fat, smelly, limp dicked, cum fuelled day once you finally inform her of them.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Sorry to break this to you but that's called serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin.
I suggest you don't go back there again if you're feeling that way.
It's a business thing, don't confuse the two.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
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Depends. Are you a creepy stalker guy, or do you actually think there's chemistry? Either way, you're being naive.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
If you fall in love with her I recommend investing in those wrist guards for carpal tunnel syndrome.