HERO2 said:it was between telpathy, morphing, and invisibility to me
these three represent REAL POWER. it can allow you to control and manipulate people around you to your will. i went with telepathy in the end because i would like to know what people think of me
see for MORPHING you have to be very sly and cunning to manipulate people i.e. turn people against each other), and with invisibilty you can still be heard- people can swing basebal bats around in the air and you'd get clobbered.
mind reading is the best because you can detail everything and increase your knowledge of the people around you. it takes more patience to use, but if you are a very calculating person you use it to ur advantage in the long run
I Would not Belame You.juballs said:umm, from readin the posts...i have to go with THE INCREDIBLE HULK!!!