First of all, allow me to announce that I am an old fashioned guy who has old fashioned morals. Personally, I feel that sex is much, much more than just "getting off", but most people, unfortunately, don't see it that way. I don't agree with one-night stands or casual sex. Anyway, with that being said...
You can't look at just the number of sexual partners that a girl (or guy) has and come to the conclusion that they're a slut or not. There are other factors that come into play. Was her sexual partner a boyfriend at the time or just some random one-night stand? How long has she known him? Is she having sex because she loves her sexual partner or just so she can get her rocks off? :dunno: For example...
Let's say that a girl is 25 years old and has had sex with 10 different guys. IMO, that's a lot of sexual partners, but, once again, I'm old fashioned. Anyway, you can't just look at the number of 10 sexual partners and label her as a slut. What if all 10 of those guys were long term, serious boyfriends whom she cared deeply for? Does having sex with somebody that she has a serious relationship with make her a slut? :dunno:
Let's say that a girl is 25 years old and has had sex with 10 different guys. But, this time, all of them were one-night stands. There was absolutely no emotion or intimacy involved between her and any of her sexual partners and she was only sleeping with them to get off. IMO, that's slutty.
Also, allow me to bring this up as well...
What about handjobs and blowjobs? Do they count towards "sex" or no? Personally, I don't seperate them, as giving a handjob or blowjob is just as personal as having sex with someone. So, with that being said...
Let's say that a girl is 25 years old and has never had sex with anybody, but she's given blowjobs to 20 different guys. Is that slutty or not? IMO, yes, it is, as I find blowjobs and handjobs to be just as personal as intercourse.
The point can't look at just the number of sexual partners that somebody has. I've only had sex with 1 girl before. Most people will read that and think "Wow, what a loser. He's pretty much never had sex before!" That's until you know the rest of the story. I dated that same girl for over 3 years. Over the course of those 3 years, I had more sex than most people do in their lifetime. So...once again, you can't look at just the numbers. It only tells a very small part of the story.