What sex toy should I get?


knows petras secret: she farted.
none of those. save your money for something bigger than 4x2 inches. (inserts penis size joke here).

but really, i know sex toys rather well. in fact, extremely well, and those ones all suck balls. they are small and pointless.

as for the material, make sure you get UR3, cyberskin, or futurotic.

this one that u picked: http://batterybliss.com/product/JDJ5326-M01?utm_src=bing&utm_medium=cse&utm_campaign=bb is a UR3. its very lifelike. UR3s are coined by the doc johnson brand but they are all the same. cyberskin is king though.

the version that fleshlight uses (pleasure skin or someshit) is a knock off these materials. in my opinion, its just not as good as cyberskin. a little stickier.


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Aint nothing like a freshly caught smurf, doesnt require batteries, just the right size, and when they try to wriggle free... yep, thats the one to get alright.

Just be careful so you dont catch Azrael the cat.... I wouldnt want those claws anywhere near the privates.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
If those are supposed to be gag-gifts for someone else, might I suggest the inflatable sheep?