New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Can anyone explain to me why they follow the bullshit brand of phony ass conservative politics that currently dominates the Republican party? Trump has destroyed any claim to the moral high ground, which is what I most frequently hear cited from the deluded Christians that hate the Democratic Party as to why they just can't vote for Democrats. For Fuck Sake, how do you stand on the mountain of morality and nominate then elect The Pussy Grabber President? God Damn, these fake moral conservatives have to be the stupidest, most gullible fucking cunts to ever cast a vote in the history of the Republic. These dumb motherfuckers believe every lie that Fox News and the rest of their alt-right/far-right Muppet Masters utter to them, got their hands right up their asses, a clown car marionette of dumb fuckery, too stupid to see the fire for the smoke, too naive to care. Not to say that the Democratic Party is without flaw, naw, I wouldn't suggest as much, but at least we're self-aware, unlike the deluded clowns on the other side. When your party holds up fucksticks like Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, Mark Meadows, and the like without batting an eye, you know your ship is sinking, but it must really feel good, thinking you're sticking it to them Dem's, gotta be great knowing you hate 70% of your fellow citizens more than you love the country.
(Mostly in re: https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...ory.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.60a328fb724f mostly. but if the shoe fit, wear the motherfucker.)
(Mostly in re: https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...ory.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.60a328fb724f mostly. but if the shoe fit, wear the motherfucker.)