What kind of grades did you get in school?

I was watching a tv show earlier and someone mentioned their g.p.a and I got to thinking all i ever hear about, whether it's tv or real life, is people with high gpa's.(3.0 and up) Me, well I was a shitty student. Not only did I not finish school(chose to work full time instead) but my gpa was only somewhere between 1.5 and 2.0. So what you about you guys and gals, how well did you do in school?
I always had the top test scores in all my classes. Grades? Not so much. The repetition of homework was not my friend. I pick up concepts very easily and after doing something once or twice I become very bored. Math was the worst. Algebra in particular. I know that they wanted to make sure that I had the procedure down, but they always want to see your work. A lot of times just looking at the problem was all that I needed to do to solve it. I would just see the answer, but no that was never good enough for them. My mother spent a lot of time arguing with teachers about my grades but they didn't want to hear it. I never let school get in the way of education anyhow. I've known quite a few people that were "book smart" geniuses but were dumb as a stump in the real world.
3.5ish... I was smart and fairly responsible. I just didn't have the drive to outperform my classmates, though, like the 4.0 students did. So I always ended up with pretty good grades, but could shrug off a B every now and then.


2.5 hate doing homework
i've done about as much schooling as is humanly possible, and i've never received anything lower than A-. i think my overall college gpa was about 3.98. i did even manage to have a social life at the same time.
I honestly don't remember my gpa. But I was only an average student. I was always told if I applied myself, I could do so much better. But what do those teachers know, anyway? I be hapy withe me edumacation in skool! :D
HS I averaged a 3.5, but in college I got a little off track and at one point was on academic probation. I pulled it together and graduated with a 2.85, believe me that felt like an accomplishment!
Between 1,5-2.0 when I graduated from high school. I was a terrible student. Math. Better fucking forget it, I tanked algebra and was put in a general math class. All my science classes bored me to death and the teachers I had in those subjects didn't give my any incentive to care because they didn't give a shit. The only classes I did well in were my history and literature/grammar classes because I just love those subjects. I was pulling A's and B's.
I always had my head buried in a comic, my history textbook, of a Stephen King novel, high school be damned!:thefinger
If you didn't count foreign language classes I was really good, and that was while having to deal with a bunch of everyday crap in life that most of my fellow students never had to deal with.


Closed Account
Kind of sums up my entire high school career too.

3.5ish... I was smart and fairly responsible. I just didn't have the drive to outperform my classmates, though, like the 4.0 students did. So I always ended up with pretty good grades, but could shrug off a B every now and then.


Closed Account
I'd say I was a 3.5 student my whole life. 3.25 finishing high school and 3.59 finishing college. The great part about college is you end up taking classes you are actually interested in, which resulted in my higher gpa. Guess I'm just the epitome of mediocrity. Huh, that last line sounds like a Green Day lyric or something.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
3.2 in college, but it should have been much higher. I didn't study nearly enough and spent too much time partying. It's a bit ironic now considering that I try to emphasize the importance of studying (keeping priorities in line) to my students.