What is/was your major in college?


Was King of the Board for a Day
I'm a film major, I want to try and direct someday. My mug is too ugly for being in front of the camera.
well i was going for mechanical engineering but i lost focus pretty quickly...:dunno:
I wanted to go into astronomy and quantum physics, but when I found out how hard it was to get a job for that subject, how little jobs are generally available, how much education is needed, and how little a lot of those people are paid for how much they had to learn it pretty much killed that idea. (Although I might as well because I ran out of money and it didn't matter anyhow.)

Before some crap happened and I wasn't able to continue going I was learning chemistry and after that biochemistry and genetic engineering. All those dreams of doing any of the things I have listed have long passed me by. Now I get passed over near minimum wage jobs from people that are dumber and lazier than me while I struggle to get by.
Didn't go to college, joined the Navy instead.

I guess you could say that I majored in Air search and rescue. Since I am a AW2. Basicly I help with medivac's on land and jumping into the ocean and coming back with a downed pilot on sea.

Curently my duty station is NAS Norfolk for the next 2 years are part of my shore rotation.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I have a Masters in Socialogy, which was a pretty useless degree for me since I minored in Business Management and work more in that field.


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
I did Professional Sound & Video Technology about 10 years ago...Ive got a BPA Level 1 in pyrotechnics & fireworks as well, which I did around 3 years ago :)


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Never went to College.

Scored highest in English though.