What is the real YouTube of amateur porn?

What is the best pornographic YouTube clone that hosts the biggest amount of genuine amateur/private material from your experience?

A certain prominent website (which is held in relatively low esteem here for its rampant copyright violations) seems to be pretty sketchy when it comes to uploading your own stuff. I did some test uploads there and neither did they ever show up at all on the site, nor do uploaded videos there seem to be in any way associated with your account on the site, so that you could actually manage them later on.

What I'm looking for is simply something like a YouTube that will allow for/encourage adult content, where one could share private footage and receive some exposure/feedback and watch other people's amateur clips. (No financial interest either.) What's your site of choice?

Thanks. Signed up for an account and uploaded some test videos. Looking OK and like what I'm after so far. Let's see how it works out in the end, once the videos get approved.

Any other recommendations of a similar site I might want to check out?
