What is the nastiest, most unpalatable swill you've ever tasted?


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No, I didn't drink from this particular can, silly, I drank from a fresh can.

Anyway, I'm glad that this brand is long defunct.
Also, I always thought that Hamms & Oly (Olympia) sucked too. ;)


it was the only real alcohol we had when i was a kid in morocco. we got it from a friend, his father worked for the brazilian embassy and had a whole cupboard full of that shit. my stepbrother recently bought a bottle here in canada, just for old times' sake, and yes: it still tastes like something you'd use to clean an engine with.
Country Club malt liquor.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Idk...mixing grape juice with vodka. Puked for a long time. Never again.

When I was active... (I've been sober now for 18 years) ... it was Bacardi 151 and pineapple juice... like Deepcover, I was puking up "yellow" for hours. And no, it wasn't the pineapple juice, it was bile.

Now Magnesium Citrate comes close. (Ever have a colonoscopy?)
Bud Ice and most malt liquors in general. I am also not a big fan of Heineken, Miller Lite, or Natural Light. Foster's beer is terrible as well. If all you Aussies drink that shit on the regular, then I see why you guys are a tad bit more ornery than your European counterparts.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Alcoholic: budweisser.
Non alcoholic. Russian alcohol free beer (thin it was called Baltika 0)
Oranjeboom and Leffe. Both rank piss, and I drain-poured them both. :facepalm:

Totally agree about Hamm's and Olympia. I'd also throw Rolling Rock in with them. Not too fond of Shiner Bock either.


Lost at Birth
Purple Drank

ok, I've never had it but it sounds as nasty as it does stupid. Just ask Jamarcus Russell

Purple Drank

ok, I've never had it but it sounds as nasty as it does stupid. Just ask Jamarcus Russell

One of my black friends swears up and down that purple drank is the stuff. I just keep telling him to keep eating his watermelon while I watch my monster truck rallies :D
Man, I think without question it is 211, but of course I've downed some vile hard stuff in my day. 211 got me so rot-gut wasted I thought I was having a nervous breakdown. Never again will I resort to that piss. Never, ever again. :nono:

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No, I didn't drink from this particular can, silly, I drank from a fresh can.

Anyway, I'm glad that this brand is long defunct.
Also, I always thought that Hamms & Oly (Olympia) sucked too. ;)

Maaaan, we used to get the beer chest of Hamms in high school. It was like a 30 case and would get like all 5-6 of us lightweights piss-face drunk. First time I ever got so blasted I was hugging a toilet was on that piss. I think I drank 6 or 7 and literally had my first real puke experience. Memories....:elaugh: