What is the latest good film you watched ?


I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn isn't safe
"L.A. Confidential" d.Curtis Hansen,1997 Kevin Spacey,Russsell Crowe, and Kim Basinger :drool2:

Amazing costumes and set decoration, but, it's one of those movies, where you have to pay attention it you want to follow the plot.

This was my 4th viewing and it grows a little on me each time.
Crazy Stupid Love
Happy Gilmore

cindy CD/TV

"Quarantine 2." I had recently watched "[REC 2]" and thought it was a very worthy sequel. But I was leery of "Q2" because while "Q1" was a shot-for-shot remake of "[REC]," I knew "Q2" was completely it's own movie and not simply an American remake. Having said all this, "Q2" was much better than I expected, although my expectations weren't too high to begin with. :dunno:
Heat (1995)

this film is really long but wat do u expect when you have Al Pacino and Robert De Niro starring in the same movie !!!! 12/10 rating from me



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Let Me In, American remake of the Swedish film Låt Den Rätte Komma In(Let The Right One In), which is based on a novel of the same name. Chloë Moretz were awesome.


For the EMPEROR!!
Blueberry. (2004). .. Pychedelic cowboy. Excellent!!

cindy CD/TV

"Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes." I think it was good -- but since half of it was in German without subtitles I was a bit lost. But it was creepy with great tension, and Anneliese gives us a great look at her tits! Besides, I just love the "shaky cam" first-person perspective in movies (for example, "Blair Witch Project" and "Paranormal Activity").


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I Spit On Your Grave(remake of Day of The Woman), it kinda reminded me of Last House On The Left. Girl getting raped, then killing the rapists violently. One guy got his dick chopped off :eek: