What Is The Difference Between A Religion And A Cult?

I can't define it. I might say that a cult does things like separating you from your family isolating you from your past life and having you forfeit your wealth over to the cult. I may be a little harsh in judging and labeling cults as many might be different.

One person's religion is another man's cult too. Is Mormonism a religion or a cult? What about Scientology, Jehovah's Witness, or Satanism?
There is none.

Evidence : The First Amendment to the US Constitution has often been used to protect cults, even thought it features the word "religion".
This is by no means the definitive answer, but I think one aspect is that the "divinity" or "god" of a cult is a human & presently alive. In religion the "god" is not tangible. Yes, you can have hype-men for religions, but they're just vassals of the god.
Hence why dictatorships are often called "Cult of personality".

Because they only exist in your mind, religious gods are "perfect" while cult leaders will inevitably lose their luster. (Like that scene in "The Interview" where Kim, who supposedly doesn't defecate, goes on a farting rampage.)
I dunno, just a thought.