What do you think about MGS 1



Metal Gear Solid 1 is the best Game ever. Its cool and my first Game that i´m become.
lol WTF!?

What do you think about substance? Maybe you would like to try it some time when making your next thread. :hatsoff:

And grammar knowledge. :)


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Metal Gear Solid 1 is indeed the best game ever, way ahead of it's time.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Alright?! Go suck a lemon!
I never let the controller out of my hands when I first played it. One of the best games ever and a milestone for all the others to come
I never let the controller out of my hands when I first played it. One of the best games ever and a milestone for all the others to come

Absolutely correct. :glugglug: I played that game through about a billion times. I'm 92.6% sure that I could quote the entire script line for line still to this day. I have the strategy guide memorized too, lol. :dunno: There are just SO many secrets in that game! MGS1 is one of the few PS1 games that stood toe to toe with FF7, and that's saying a lot. :2 cents:
back in the mid to late 90s (i can't remember exactly) when i first played through MGS, I thought it was one of the best games i ever played.

haven't played it since, so i'm not sure what i'd think of it today.

Metal Gear Solid 4 was pretty good, but i didn't think it was nearly as good as i remembered part 1 being. there was way way way too many cut scenes in it. it just dragged on at times.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
MGS1 blows every game out of the water, even today.