What do you do for a living?

Just out of interest I was wondering what the different members of the group did for a living. As a student I spend bit of time on here and am curious to what other members do.
thanks to president bush moving jobs over seas and down sizing comapnies i dont have a job thats why i live here and before you say get off your ass and get one looka t the state i live in the highest unemployment in the us of a
thanks to president bush moving jobs over seas and down sizing comapnies i dont have a job thats why i live here and before you say get off your ass and get one looka t the state i live in the highest unemployment in the us of a

I understand man, I wouldn't say that either as I know Michigan suffers from unemployment especially Flint. It's similar here, I had to go back to uni here in England as there were hardly any jobs here unless you have a degree.

Same problem, with jobs being outsourced and the decline in British manufacturing and reliable industries means it's getting worse here too.
I understand man, I wouldn't say that either as I know Michigan suffers from unemployment especially Flint. It's similar here, I had to go back to uni here in England as there were hardly any jobs here unless you have a degree.

Same problem, with jobs being outsourced and the decline in British manufacturing and reliable industries means it's getting worse here too.

i have put in 27 apps in 4 months in different stores ,resturants and factorys just to get told sorry.
here how bad it is our local news did a story on how 6 college grads couldnt find a job with there degrees and ended up working at mcdonalds.
they spent thousands of dollars and four years of there life to make 7.50 an hour and saying do you want fries with that
i have put in 27 apps in 4 months in different stores ,resturants and factorys just to get told sorry.
here how bad it is our local news did a story on how 6 college grads couldnt find a job with there degrees and ended up working at mcdonalds.
they spent thousands of dollars and four years of there life to make 7.50 an hour and saying do you want fries with that

I have friends who are college graduates and they "resorted" to applying for jobs at places like Fridays or Outback. At first these places wouldn't hire people like them because they feared that they'd up and quit as soon as the economy clears up and it's not worth it to train college educated employees who will start working while already looking to find employment elsewhere.

So it's a pretty bad sign now that some of them are getting hired. It's as if nobody expects any improvement in the near future.

I just wish people would stop acting like these jobs are beneath them. I respect somebody more for taking a paying shitty job than intentionally sitting home and collecting unemployment. Unfortunately, most people don't have a choice these days.

As for what I do for a living, well, let's just say that you never see me and Batman in the same place at the same time.


Postal Paranoiac
I steal credit information from your mailbox and sell it to unscrupulous people.


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
I never have one job for too long. Most of them have been shit though.


Currently working for a certain televised poker tournament that just started this past weekend.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
I help people prepare for the Zombie apocalypse. For just $29.99 I will send you my new audio book "Dead people are after me, Now what?" Its a good one. :thumbsup:


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
been six months since I got corporately screwed. Doing some part-time menial overnight shift now to barely make the car payment and insurance. Pretty fed up with the world right now
I stand in front of cars, get hit, and take them to court.
I knew I should have sped up...

Oh I love when they do that! Shows intent! That gets me more money in the lawsuits as well as easy sailing through life with monthly checks via settlement or court order payments. :hatsoff: