What do woman think about facial hair on males?

I was just thinking about this today. I've had a goatee for a long time and I just shaved it off last night. Needless to say, I'll be growing it back, lol!! Do some women find it dirty? Or do some women find it attractive? I know everyone likes different things, but what is the general take on this? I'm just curious......


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I don't think there is enough ladies on the board to give a a solid answer, lol.

But all i can say is that everyone is different, some girls like it, some girls hate it!
Nope, Dave's wrong. All women HATE it.
i personally like mine. It's my playoff beard and the Flyers may not even make the playoffs. I don't really care what girls think about it.
From my experience.....when woman wanted me to maintain my facial and body hair, there was always a catch involved. The catch being that they hadn't been clipping the netherland hedges and when they were naked it looked like someone with a terrible haircut or a big ass afro. I always do my best to stay trim and shaved so that the girl will feel the pressure to as well. I'm not into putting direct pressure on them, as in telling them to shave their mustache....yeah...ond had a mustache for awhile:confused: .... I just set the example and hope it gets followed. However about 75% of the time the woman sets the example which is the way I prefer:) .
I've always wanted to know the answer to that question. I've always thought that I looked better with the 5 o'clock shadow than I did when clean-shaven.
Ok I will bite on this one.....for me as long as you dont have a hairy gorilla ass and dont look like a nasty mountain man with food hanging off your face hair is fine with me..... :wave: on a more personal note my husband is not alowed to shave his goatee or mustache unless he is ready for me to make fun of him:D
Ok I will bite on this one.....for me as long as you dont have a hairy gorilla ass and dont look like a nasty mountain man with food hanging off your face hair is fine with me..... :wave: on a more personal note my husband is not alowed to shave his goatee or mustache unless he is ready for me to make fun of him:D

nice contradiction. :crying: