What countries are more open to sexuality? I know this can be hard because what criteria do you use to measure it?
The US would not even be on list. Well Amsterdam and Bangkok come to mind with street hookers , sex night clubs ,strip clubs ,sex clubs , go go bars so on.
But places like China , Vietnam ,North Korea ,South Korea have banned porn and block porn web sites and banned DVD ,VHS and books and magazines with porn.
Well Japan has big porn industry and lots of fetish types in Japan , but people in Japan are not sexual promiscuity so it strange mix in Japan.Even most US conservative will be more promiscuity than people in Japan.
Places like the US and UK have highest teen birth rate in the first world country but no where like Amsterdam or Bangkok .
The US would not even be on list. Well Amsterdam and Bangkok come to mind with street hookers , sex night clubs ,strip clubs ,sex clubs , go go bars so on.
But places like China , Vietnam ,North Korea ,South Korea have banned porn and block porn web sites and banned DVD ,VHS and books and magazines with porn.
Well Japan has big porn industry and lots of fetish types in Japan , but people in Japan are not sexual promiscuity so it strange mix in Japan.Even most US conservative will be more promiscuity than people in Japan.
Places like the US and UK have highest teen birth rate in the first world country but no where like Amsterdam or Bangkok .