In the great "anti" spirit of the common rhetoric anytime anything is remotely related to violence, the anti-gun blabbers come out, I am going to start tagging any thread remotely related to drinking with my "tongue-in-cheek" non-sense to make a reverse point. Just because you don't do something or don't agree with something doesn't mean that you have the right to post your thoughts in any thread on the subject.
So ... (tongue-in-cheek here to make that point) ...
All of you irresponsible, drunk, pinko bastards are going to drive home drunk and kill everyone! And don't even make excuses, even if you're responsible, because there are too many irresponsible people abusing the rights that you shouldn't have them either! There is no reason whatsoever to drink. It is not a need! And I'm sick and tired in seeing my friends, and possibly myself at one point in the future, die because drinking is legal!!!
I hope other people will see this point, and think before they do the same in other threads.