I have one. I like it. I don't use it all that often because of the prep/washing after, but I do like it. Actually, I also find it brings me to the edge too quickly. Quicker than a real pussy, oddly.
There's a terrible stigma attached to them by small-minded idiots who forget that some of the hottest women alive who can get laid whenever they want if they really want to, will also have a "little friend" to enhance things when they have special alone time. To some people the thought of "why would you buy something to wank with when you can just use your hand" is the question. Strangely enough, these people don't understand the logic applied to their lube or vaseline, they're certainly not using JUST their hand.
The way I see it, everyone has a hobby. Some people like video games. Some of these people will buy a steerling wheel for their console instead of a normal controller because it's more fun to play racing games that way, or one of those gay little guns for shoot-em-ups. Some people like looking at the stars, so they buy themselves a telescope. Some of us like to masturbate for a hobby, so we buy a toy.
I know the deeper issue is "what's led you to care about your masturbating so much it becomes a hobby, rather than something you do in a hurry just to relieve the tension?" Well, maybe some of us have high sex drives and simply don't have enough sex, so we find ourselves masturbating a lot, and make the most of it. Maybe some of us have poorly-developed social skills and need to make such a big deal of jerking off, and doing lots of it, because damn it, we just don't have that part of the brain or the confidence to just "go out and get laid" as so many cretins so helpfully bring up.
Or maybe you should just fuck off, leave us in peace ejaculating into our mold of Tera Patrick's flange in the privacy of our own home, and be grateful we're not doing anything that hurts the rest of you.
Ooops, just revealed which one I own.....