As-Salaamu Alaikum!
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Squaw Valley Islamic Settlement
SVIS Masjid
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I wonder if they have to comply with local building codes?
Seriously, would you want to have clannish people such as this next door to you?? Should you decide to answer, shut up about your politics and just answer the question honestly... would you fare well living next door to such an arrangement of settlers who have ambitions of transforming your backyard into part of their enclave?Squaw Valley Islamic Settlement, located in Dunlap, CA, is an attempt to re-examine how Muslims can live and raise their children in this country. Muslims have not fared well living highly concentrated in the major cities. The history of da'wah (the only valid excuse for living in this country) has been very poor and the raising of children has had even more dismal results. We believe and have found that life in the coutryside gives us a much greater degree of control over our environment and allows for a much better situation for the raising of Muslim children.
When we began our efforts, some criticized us for being "isolationist". This could not be farther from the truth. Though the population is less dense in rural areas, human contact is actually more and opportunities for da'wah more numerous. The environment is MUCH healthier for our children both physically and spiritually.
We are located in the foothills of the Sierra Mountans 45 miles east of Fresno (just a few miles from the border of Sequoia National Park) on approximately 150 acres of land privately owned by about a dozen Muslim families. A number of families have already moved onto their parcels. We also have one 5 acre parcel which is waqf lillahi ta'ala.
On that parcel we have constructed a simple masjid in which about 60 people can pray. Our masjid cost us a total of $1,200 to construct. That's TWELVE HUNDRED, not twelve thousand or 1.2 million! It's a little cold in the winter and a little hot in the summer, but hey, so are most of the $2 and $3 million masajid in this country when the Muslims can't affort to heat and air condition them after initial construction![
To be a success, the Squaw Valley Islamic Settlement needs Islamic settlers! Once we reach about 40 families, we plan to become a town giving us even more control over our situation. There is frequently land for sale in the immediate vicinity.
Literally, they come here to create states within our states! :wtf:
Read on, I dare ya!
IVES OF SVISSquaw Valley Islamic Settlement
All praise is surely due to Allah Most High and to Him alone. We praise Him, seek aid only from Him, seek guidance only from Him, and beg forgiveness only from Him. We seek refuge in Allah Most High from the evil within us and from the wrongdoing amongst our actions. Whoever Allah guides, none can lead astray and whomever He decrees to go astray, none can guide. We bear witness that there is no deity or any worthy object of any act of worship other than Allah and that Muhammad the son of Abdullah the Hashemiy, the Quraishiy is Allah's slave and final Messenger. O Allah, send your prayers and your salutations upon Muhammad, upon his family and upon all those who give their allegiance to him and take his way as their way until the Judgment Day. Amin.
This document defines the founding principles and organizational structure of Squaw Valley Islamic Settlement (hereinafter referred to as SVIS). SVIS is an Islamic religious organization registered as a California Non-Profit Religious Corporation. The organizational structure defined in this document is derived from Islamic principles and teachings and is thus canonical.
“Amir”, “Imam” and CEO shall be regarded as synonymous and interchangeable. “Majlis” refers to the Board or Governing Board of SVIS whose precise qualifications, duties and authority is defined herein. “Masjid” means mosque and refers to the place of worship established by SVIS in at 38542 Dunlap Rd., Dunlap, CA.
A. SVIS is founded on the principle that authority within the organization belongs entirely to those highest in knowledge and practice of Islam.
B. SVIS is a non-membership religious corporation and all decision making authority is vested in its Amir (CEO) and Board (Majlis) as laid out herein.
C. SVIS is an Islamic religious non-profit organization that was founded by and for Sunni Muslims who follow the beliefs and practices of the salaf (the righteous first generations of Muslims) - those who reject all forms of bid'a (innovation) in the religion.
D. The sole governing canon of the organization is the Qur'an (the Divine Message sent to the Prophet Muhammad (sas)), the Sunnah (authenticated reports of the statements, actions and implicit acceptances of the Prophet Muhammad (sas)) and the shari'a (Islamic law) as formulated by those Muslims who follow the way of the Prophet (sas) and his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them all. This constitution is based on those sources and spells out some specific issues of implementation based on but not necessarily specifically found in those sources or in which there is a multiplicity of opinions.
E. NOTE: Authenticated hadith as used herein refers to all those narrations of the actions, statements and implicit approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (sas) that have been classified as sahih or hassan by the scholars of hadith. All such hadith are binding on Muslims to both believe any information contained therein and obey any rulings therein except where such ruling has been abrogated or restricted by a subsequent authenticated hadith or Qur'anic verse.
F. This entire article (Article I) represents a fundamental religious principle in the founding of SVIS and cannot be changed under any circumstances.
Article II. OBJECT
SVIS is dedicated to the following objectives:
A. To adhere to the pure Islamic doctrine and practice of Ahlus-Sunnah wa al-Jamaa, i.e., that of the sahaba (the Companions of the Prophet (sas)) and the salaf (the first few generations of Muslims), placing the Qur'an, the Sunnah and the other sources of shari'a above all other sources of direction. SVIS is absolutely opposed to all bid'a (innovation) in Islam.
B. To disseminate correct knowledge of Islam and to help Muslims in the area practice the religion of Islam as it relates to all areas of life. SVIS should strive to always have a variety of educational programs available for old and young alike.
C. To provide needed services to those who frequent the masjid and participate in SVIS activities as well as other Muslims in the area as practical in areas such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, dispute resolution, funerals, etc.
D. To provide all normal ritual functions of a masjid (mosque) including the five daily prayers, Jumu'a (Friday) prayer and the two 'Eid (the days of Fitr at the end of Ramadhan and Adh-haa which coincides with the Pilgrimage to Mecca) prayers.
E. To do all that is possible to aid Muslims in living their life according to the shari'a of Islam. This includes research and development of contracts, agreements and other legal devices to achieve the required result. Some of the most urgent areas in which this must be done are marriage, divorce, child custody, inheritance, etc.
Highlight the rest if you wish...
A. SVIS does not have members. Although there will be participants in and beneficiaries of SVIS programs, for the purpose of these by-laws, SVIS is a non-member corporation.
Article IV. THE IMAM (also called ‘AMIR’)
A. Qualifications:
1. Must have gone through Islamic training either formal or otherwise such that they are capable in the terminology and reference books of the basic Islamic sciences in their original Arabic.
2. [SIZE="[SIZE="2"]5[/SIZE]"] Male.[/SIZE]
3. Native or long-time resident of this country.
4. Must be resident at the SVIS location.
5. Knowledge and practice of the obligations and prohibitions of Islam.
6. Personal conduct appropriate to this position.
7. Approved by the Majlis (as laid out in IV.F below).
B. If not found: If the above qualifications cannot be fully satisfied, then an Imam will be chosen from among those available who comes closest to the above qualifications. The residency requirement cannot be compromised.
C. Responsibilities:
1. Accountable to the Majlis (Board): The Imam must work strictly within the guidelines, policies and priorities defined by the Majlis. He must consult them on any and all important decisions. The Majlis should always be represented at the Imam’s consultative meetings. Their working relationship is described more fully in the following section.
2. Leading Prayer: Normally, the Imam of SVIS should be the one who leads the prayer at the SVIS masjid (mosque) and this is an important factor in how the Imam is selected. He has the option of appointing someone else to this responsibility if he feels he is not the most qualified.
3. Official Spokesman: The Imam of SVIS is the official representative and spokesman for SVIS in all interaction with other groups, individuals or the media. ONLY the Imam or his representative may represent SVIS in any context.
4. Financial Responsibility: The Imam of SVIS or his appointee shall have responsibility for the financial and maintenance affairs of SVIS. He must ensure that bills are paid in a timely manner, that cash donations are received and counted, that all incoming funds are deposited in the SVIS bank account, that all significant expenditures are done by check, that accurate records are kept of all income and expenditure and that donations dedicated to a particular project or cause are properly utilized.
5. Reporting: A regular report (not less than monthly if significant activity is taking place) detailing all income and expenditure must be produced and made available to the Majlis and posted where participants can view it..
6. Delegation: The Imam will delegate responsibilities over the various areas of administration and Islamic activity. These appointments must be based strictly on the individuals' qualifications for the post. The Prophet (sas) said: "Whoever appoints someone over some responsibility when someone else more pleasing to Allah was available has committed treason against Allah and His Prophet (sas)!!" As much as possible, this should be a delegation of authority within clearly stated policy parameters and not a situation where every detail is micromanaged by the Imam. Nevertheless, whatever the arrangement, no appointee can overrule the Imam once he takes a decision in his or her area of work. The Imam is free to form short-term or permanent committees for specific purposes which are in line with the organization’s objectives as he sees fit.
7. Decision Making: The Imam will make all decisions necessary for the day-to-day running of the organization. These decisions must conform to the guidelines, policies and priorities established by the Majlis (for the precise relationship between the Imam and the Majlis, see the following section). They must also be consistent with the policies established by the Imam himself in his consultative meetings, which have not been abrogated or modified by a subsequent decision. The Imam may have to make on the spot decisions outside of any regular meeting, but such decisions cannot be in conflict with general decisions and policies mentioned above. Any critical and irreversible decisions such as major property transactions, the acquisition, sale or destruction of property, launching of major projects, or highly visible public activities must be reviewed and approved by the Majlis before they are executed. The creation of additional by-laws for the organization (which may not in any case conflict with anything herein) falls under this last category of decision-making.
8. Consultation: All decisions must be made in a consultative meeting that was announced to the Majlis and in the masjid at least one week in advance. All such meetings must be held in the SVIS Masjid (mosque) at Dunlap, California. These meetings will be chaired by the Imam. The Imam should request the constant attendance of a minimum number needed for consultation, while attendance remains optional for anyone who regularly frequents the masjid and participates in SVIS activities. The Imam's consultative meetings are to be held on an as-needed basis. Attendance and an accurate record of all decisions taken must be recorded in writing at all consultative meetings of the Imam and kept in the records of SVIS.
D. Term of Office: The Imam remains in his position unless he resigns, moves away or is removed.
E. Removal of the Imam: The Imam should be removed from office only if he becomes Islamically unacceptable for the position. This includes: 1) proven and unrepentant commission of major sins, 2) dereliction of his duties as Imam, 3) irresponsible behavior in relation to the Shari'a of Islam, or 4) proven commission of any of 'those which abrogate Islam (nawaaqidh al-islam) or continued support for or a refusal to condemn anyone engaged in them (see Appendix A). Removal of the Imam is the responsibility of the Majlis and must be according to the above principles. Any complaints must be fully investigated and dealt with.[/QUOTE]
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