Want pictures of Miss Hybrid and I together?! Spend credits at her store! (for charity, of course!)


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I asked Adam to make a thread, but good help is obviously hard to find. No worries, I'll take care of that...

Anyways! I'm very proud to announce that the money that we're putting towards the help of domestic violence victims and education will be going to a Las Vegas organization called The Cupcake Girls. These awesome folks donate their time to helping sex workers (from strippes to porn stars) in the Las Vegas area with everything from education to Domestic Violence situations. They're allowing me to make our donation (currently $3,000 not counting the models that are raising money) directly to help domestic violence victims and that is just freakin awesome.

So, through the month of September and through Miss FreeOnes, Miss Hybrid will be offering tons of incentives to get you to spend credits on her store. I've offered to add to those incentives! Whomever spends THE MOST in total at Miss Hybrid's store will receive pictures of her and I TOGETHER. I haven't released a real picture of myself since 2009 (I think) through an auction. That went for a measly 10,000 credits so I think someone here can do much better! It's for charity after all!

Now, there are a few rules to this. Whomever wins has to swear upon a violent and long, painful death, that these pictures will never be released. Very few know what I look like and I can't do fun things like this without the mystery. :cthulhu: And the pictures won't be porn. Sorry guys, just isn't happening. Though I can promise Miss Hybrid, me in a corset and loads of cleavage. I'm pretty sure Miss Hybrid can confirm I have it and can flaunt it. :surprise:

Adam will replace the current charity thread this weekend to make things more clear. In the meantime, if you're out of credits you can always buy more! Either with a Credit Card or a gift card! Remember! This is for charity!



Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
I asked Adam to make a thread, but good help is obviously hard to find. No worries, I'll take care of that...

Anyways! I'm very proud to announce that the money that we're putting towards the help of domestic violence victims and education will be going to a Las Vegas organization called The Cupcake Girls. These awesome folks donate their time to helping sex workers (from strippes to porn stars) in the Las Vegas area with everything from education to Domestic Violence situations. They're allowing me to make our donation (currently $3,000 not counting the models that are raising money) directly to help domestic violence victims and that is just freakin awesome.

So, through the month of September and through Miss FreeOnes, Miss Hybrid will be offering tons of incentives to get you to spend credits on her store. I've offered to add to those incentives! Whomever spends THE MOST in total at Miss Hybrid's store will receive pictures of her and I TOGETHER. I haven't released a real picture of myself since 2009 (I think) through an auction. That went for a measly 10,000 credits so I think someone here can do much better! It's for charity after all!

Now, there are a few rules to this. Whomever wins has to swear upon a violent and long, painful death, that these pictures will never be released. Very few know what I look like and I can't do fun things like this without the mystery. :cthulhu: And the pictures won't be porn. Sorry guys, just isn't happening. Though I can promise Miss Hybrid, me in a corset and loads of cleavage. I'm pretty sure Miss Hybrid can confirm I have it and can flaunt it. :surprise:

Adam will replace the current charity thread this weekend to make things more clear. In the meantime, if you're out of credits you can always buy more! Either with a Credit Card or a gift card! Remember! This is for charity!


I can confirm the contents of this email. I also confirm that Petra has it and flaunts it!

I live in hope for a little extra and will pack my suitcase accordingly but mum's the word, DO NOT tell Petra!!!!

I have the flights booked and I am very excited.

Miss Hybrid
Can only contribute what I can afford. Responsibility it's a bitch. However you are getting everything I can spare. Whoever gets the prize enjoy. However if I have to lose my head so you get the prize well that won't happen.

Please tell me I don't have to explain the reference?


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
I asked Adam to make a thread, but good help is obviously hard to find. No worries, I'll take care of that...

Anyways! I'm very proud to announce that the money that we're putting towards the help of domestic violence victims and education will be going to a Las Vegas organization called The Cupcake Girls. These awesome folks donate their time to helping sex workers (from strippes to porn stars) in the Las Vegas area with everything from education to Domestic Violence situations. They're allowing me to make our donation (currently $3,000 not counting the models that are raising money) directly to help domestic violence victims and that is just freakin awesome.

So, through the month of September and through Miss FreeOnes, Miss Hybrid will be offering tons of incentives to get you to spend credits on her store. I've offered to add to those incentives! Whomever spends THE MOST in total at Miss Hybrid's store will receive pictures of her and I TOGETHER. I haven't released a real picture of myself since 2009 (I think) through an auction. That went for a measly 10,000 credits so I think someone here can do much better! It's for charity after all!

Now, there are a few rules to this. Whomever wins has to swear upon a violent and long, painful death, that these pictures will never be released. Very few know what I look like and I can't do fun things like this without the mystery. :cthulhu: And the pictures won't be porn. Sorry guys, just isn't happening. Though I can promise Miss Hybrid, me in a corset and loads of cleavage. I'm pretty sure Miss Hybrid can confirm I have it and can flaunt it. :surprise:

Adam will replace the current charity thread this weekend to make things more clear. In the meantime, if you're out of credits you can always buy more! Either with a Credit Card or a gift card! Remember! This is for charity!


I will be getting the list of my plans to Adam hopefully later to day but at latest, over the weekend. I have some fun things (well for me anyway) planned, which include everyone who has helped.

Please contribute by buying from my store with your credits!

Miss Hybrid


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt


Great contest for a worthy cause, who will win a peek at the elusive :cthulhu:?

Now you'll never see that $1.07 again.
Poor Adam... It's now confirmed that you just blew it :facepalm:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
You just gotta grab it when she's not looking.

She keeps it in her bra. Everyone knows its there.

You're going to lose more than your $1.07 if you keep going down this path.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Ha. This would be something I'd gladly empty my account of points for, but I'm afraid I've pretty much already done that and I know my highest balance probably pales in comparison to some's (yeah, I said some's. What).


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/petra said:
Petra[/URL][/B], post: 8567661, member: 114093"]You're going to lose more than your $1.07 if you keep going down this path.

Tell me how naughty I am.
I'd love to contribute for a great cause such as this! Too bad I haven't received any credits from the last 2500 or so reputation points.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
If the person who wins this doesn't PM me the picture, they're dead to me.

I'd love to contribute for a great cause such as this! Too bad I haven't received any credits from the last 2500 or so reputation points.

You don't get FreeOnes credits for rep points, Scooter. Rep is just a measure of how tiny your dick is. As you can see, mine is quite small.
I actually remember the last contest you had to action off a picture of yourself years ago. I only lost it because I couldn't get on near the end when a couple of us where constantly one upping each other by a little bit. Ahh, the good old days. I don't know if I could be a serious competitor this time so I guess somebody else will have to have the honer again.

Now that I think about it that might be the one and only thing I have tried to spend my FreeOnes points on ever.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
How about a picture of you doing some actual work.


How about a picture of you doing some actual work.
Haha:1orglaugh Bob, are you saying this is more elusive than a picture of her in skimpy clothes?

Anyway a picture of the gorgeous Miss Hybrid and Petra in corsets... that is still worth a small fortune :yesyes: