Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I asked Adam to make a thread, but good help is obviously hard to find. No worries, I'll take care of that...
Anyways! I'm very proud to announce that the money that we're putting towards the help of domestic violence victims and education will be going to a Las Vegas organization called The Cupcake Girls. These awesome folks donate their time to helping sex workers (from strippes to porn stars) in the Las Vegas area with everything from education to Domestic Violence situations. They're allowing me to make our donation (currently $3,000 not counting the models that are raising money) directly to help domestic violence victims and that is just freakin awesome.
So, through the month of September and through Miss FreeOnes, Miss Hybrid will be offering tons of incentives to get you to spend credits on her store. I've offered to add to those incentives! Whomever spends THE MOST in total at Miss Hybrid's store will receive pictures of her and I TOGETHER. I haven't released a real picture of myself since 2009 (I think) through an auction. That went for a measly 10,000 credits so I think someone here can do much better! It's for charity after all!
Now, there are a few rules to this. Whomever wins has to swear upon a violent and long, painful death, that these pictures will never be released. Very few know what I look like and I can't do fun things like this without the mystery.
And the pictures won't be porn. Sorry guys, just isn't happening. Though I can promise Miss Hybrid, me in a corset and loads of cleavage. I'm pretty sure Miss Hybrid can confirm I have it and can flaunt it. :surprise:
Adam will replace the current charity thread this weekend to make things more clear. In the meantime, if you're out of credits you can always buy more! Either with a Credit Card or a gift card! Remember! This is for charity!
Anyways! I'm very proud to announce that the money that we're putting towards the help of domestic violence victims and education will be going to a Las Vegas organization called The Cupcake Girls. These awesome folks donate their time to helping sex workers (from strippes to porn stars) in the Las Vegas area with everything from education to Domestic Violence situations. They're allowing me to make our donation (currently $3,000 not counting the models that are raising money) directly to help domestic violence victims and that is just freakin awesome.
So, through the month of September and through Miss FreeOnes, Miss Hybrid will be offering tons of incentives to get you to spend credits on her store. I've offered to add to those incentives! Whomever spends THE MOST in total at Miss Hybrid's store will receive pictures of her and I TOGETHER. I haven't released a real picture of myself since 2009 (I think) through an auction. That went for a measly 10,000 credits so I think someone here can do much better! It's for charity after all!
Now, there are a few rules to this. Whomever wins has to swear upon a violent and long, painful death, that these pictures will never be released. Very few know what I look like and I can't do fun things like this without the mystery.

Adam will replace the current charity thread this weekend to make things more clear. In the meantime, if you're out of credits you can always buy more! Either with a Credit Card or a gift card! Remember! This is for charity!