VP Debate.....

Gonna watch it?

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Liberal douche: What for? It's insignificant. Don't care about it. It won't affect the election.

(Tomorrow morning, after Ryan gets hit over the head by an anvil on the way to the debate and babbles like a 5 month old the whole debate, Biden barely wins the debate)

Liberal douche: Did you see that brilliant performance by Biden last night? Yeah! Obama was brilliant in choosing him. Yes, he's making a great come back! Now it will affect the election. Our master will win! Hallowed be His name! :bowdown: :chanting a chakra: da-da-da-da da-da da-da da-da da-da da-da Obama!


Hiliary 2020
I'm going over my friends house to watch it.
I think Biden best strategy would be the famous Cindy Brady Strategy of the 1970's.
Just kinda stare and say nothing.

"baton Rouge Cindy, Baton Rouge".

Theyve been prepping Joe for days but this is gonna be awkward.
Here is ryan trying to talk some sense into Obama, and Obama is clearly lost after about 1 minute.......and Joe is just out to lunch right from the get go.


Closed Account
Watch Romney reverse his agenda's again...I was surprised the conservatives were silent when Romney started talking like a liberal at last week's debate.
Damn, that Biden smirk and laugh reminds me of those guilty as sin gangsters in the movies "go ahead, copper, you can't prove anything"


Closed Account
Biden was laughing because Paul Ryan is lying through his teeth. It's so obvious. Martha Raddatz asked Ryan specifics what does Ryan say? The little chipmunk goes and talks about Ronald Raegan's economic plan back in the 80's when Ryan was getting a blowjob for the first time in his life. Ryan still didn't give his specifics and he keeps lying and going on and on like a broken record.

In any case...I thought Obama and Romney were going to speak again tonight.
Biden came off looking like a fucking used car used salesman.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Things crazy Uncle Joe finds hilarious: Unemployment, dead ambassadors, Iranian nukes and a shitty economy.

Key statistic of the debate: Joe Biden interrupted Paul Ryan 96 times. Paul Ryan interrupted Joe Biden 6 times.

“i hope i get equal time,” says the guy who wouldn’t shut up.”


Jeezus Tapdancing Christ. You guys laugh when the candidate shows no sack, then you whine like little girls when he does.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Here's the thing, Mayhem. When Nobama was clearly beaten he knew it. You could see that in his body language and weak-ass rebuttals. Biden mistakenly thought he was wiser and therefore superior to Ryan. He came out looking like a condescending old douche bag whose incompetence has helped cripple America.
Ryan did ok for it being his first ever debate on national TV , but Joe controlled him on every issue and a couple times Ryan looked like a deer in the headlights. Like when he just stared at he camera after being asked if a womans right to a legal abortion would be threatened before giving his religious based life begins at conception extreme view. Clear win for Joe but again no biggie , VP debates are not very important usually.


Here's the thing, Mayhem. When Nobama was clearly beaten he knew it. You could see that in his body language and weak-ass rebuttals. Biden mistakenly thought he was wiser and therefore superior to Ryan. He came out looking like a condescending old douche bag whose incompetence has helped cripple America.

Biden is wiser and superior to Ryan. For one thing, Biden DOES say what he means, even if he blows the moment. Romney/Ryan feed whatever bullshit they think will help then for the next 48 hours.

And Biden has done absolutely nothing to "cripple" America, and you know it. Think what you wish, vote for who you want, but enough with this tripe.

Obama wasn't "beaten", he just didn't rise to the moment. And it has cost him a lot. But beaten isn't an accurate term.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Romney beat Nobama in the debate like a rented mule. He beat him like a redheaded stepchild.
That man (Crazy Uncle Joe) is Dan Quayle with an extra chromosome. And yes, his boss' administration has crippled America domestically and in foreign affairs.


Romney beat Nobama in the debate like a rented mule. He beat him like a redheaded stepchild.
That man (Crazy Uncle Joe) is Dan Quayle with an extra chromosome. And yes, his boss' administration has crippled America domestically and in foreign affairs.

The fact checkers, all of them, tapdanced on Romney's skull after the first debate. And one of Obama's problems was thinking, "WTF is he talking about now?"

You guys need to put the responsibility for the financial crisis where it belongs - GWB, the banks and Wall Street. You know this.

P.S. Glad to see you off the road and out of the rain. I had a scary moment today at Sahara and Boulder Highway. And the 9 o'clock downpour was nasty as hell.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I drove to the Albertson's about a mile from my house and saw how stupid people were driving and decided to take the day off.