We all talk about video games we like, addicted to, or what we can't what for but I want to talk about games we hate [please give reason(s) why] and levels we hate on games we like [also give reason(s) why] I'll start off first I HATE 1.E.T. on the atari its so boring & hard E.T. moves way to slow & the music is the same song over & over it gives me a headache I'm glad I wasn't around during that time I would probably hate video games & a level I hate 1.half life 2 the second helicopter encounter when you are in sort of a ditch it took me forever to find the fucking door to get out lol I kept trying to shoot down the heli with my pistol until I realised there's a door I fucking love that game though I'll list more as people reply (if any do reply *crosses fingers* I hope)