Does anyone know if there is a forum on the web to discuss video files that were downloaded from file sharing softwares, but didn't have the name of the girl involved in them, for instance you download a video clip of a girl and the file is simply called sexy blonde.mpg or something. Is there a place like that where you can post a still pic or pics from the clip and try to get the person identified? I Have a bunch I'd like answered and have posted a few pics from clips here and in a couple other places, but this site and others are more geared towards identifying pictures of girls and free places to get more pictures of them, that rarely have I found answers. If there isn't a forum for anonymous video clips where we can help each other find identities...there should be. Does anyone know of any? Post them here or if it's not allowed to post addresses of other forum sites here, which I would understand, maybe someone could pm the names to me. Thanks all.